Well said Med ,I couldnt agree with you more, Vi ,taking frases out of context is not fooling anyone, med said himself that the Gov. spending needs to shrink, however we do need an infrastructure to remain a nation, the tax sistem needs to be overhauled...Hempie,what am I going to do with you?Lucky for me, OUR great country still has freedom of religion, And I just happened to be a hedo satanist so no matter what you say ,I'm planing on doing as much fucking and drugs as possible, I also plan on messing with fundamentalist christians like your self as much as possible, after all it is the only way to continue to enjoy my freedoms, as far as I'm concerned you and the mid east terorrists are the same breed, you try to take away my rights... As far as the Europe goes, I do not think we bailed them out , shure, we helped a great deal, but the us didn't enter the war till 1944, by that time Russian forces were already on the offensive (I think thaqt is part of the reason US got involved) and sure US probably made ww2 shorter by the decade and saved countless lives, but I think in the long run Europe would have came out on top anyway... I simply refuse to belive that fascism can survive for a long period of time anywhere, same with comunism....