Bush, Lets them stay.


New Member
Its been said already, but here it is again:

1. Build a double fence along the entire southern border.

2. Hire another 10,000 border guards.

3. Enforce existing laws against hiring illegal workers ... with very hefty fines.

4. Give local law enforcement people arrest powers to arrest, and turn over to the INS all illegals they come across.

5. Change the law that allows people born here to illegal aliens to automatically become citizens of the U.S.

6. Streamline our existing LEGAL immigration policies. There is no way it should take many years to become a legal citizen.

7. Before allowing anyone to enter the country for the purpose of living here and becoming a citizen, be sure they have a sponsor and a job waiting.

8. Eliminate bilingual education ... that would go a long way to insure assimilation into our English speaking society.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Seems we'd have to start a new bureaucracy, as the INS doesnt want to go door to door to businesses to ferret them out (The illegals). Just hire a fleet of busses and a few thousand armed enforcers and head on out. Then arrest the CEOs and responsible parties and give them At least 5 years @ hard labor. I'll bet within the first month of televised interventions there would be mass firings of illegals, as soon as the first few CEOs went to prison. Probably best to start in the LA area.


Well-Known Member
This is funny how history repeats itself, towards the end of the 1800's it was the Irish, and then 1900-1920 it was south east europens, and b4 all this it was your family, its just funny how hypocritical everybody is now days:peace:


New Member
This is funny how history repeats itself, towards the end of the 1800's it was the Irish, and then 1900-1920 it was south east europens, and b4 all this it was your family, its just funny how hypocritical everybody is now days:peace:
In those days, we needed immigrants to build the country we stole from the indians, the country is built and overflowing with cheap labor. BTW those immigrants came here legally and integrated into the society, not like the illegals that demand citizenship and dont want to assimilate. You cannot really make those comparisons.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12115-2004Oct6.html -


Well-Known Member
I was just saying that history repeat itself, and when america falls then every major empire has reached for the stars and fell:peace:


New Member
I was just saying that history repeat itself, and when america falls then every major empire has reached for the stars and fell:peace:
I think you are right about the fall of the American empire, Bush has taken us over the edge and we are on a downward spiral. If the middle east thing doesn't spark an armegedden type scenario, China will be the dominant player in this century. People that still wave the flag and speak American dominacy are way out in left field. Our day has come and is going fast. We may have the most dominant weapons, but if we use them, it will mean the end of humanity, and is anyone ready to do that? It is evident that the rest of the world cannot be bluffed anymore.


Well-Known Member
the only way to salvage this nation is to respect the rare wisdom that initiated its creation.

if you stop feeding stray dogs they leave.



Well-Known Member
the only way to salvage this nation is to respect the rare wisdom that initiated its creation.if you stop feeding stray dogs they leave..........................................................................................................................................................................Well said..


New Member
the only way to salvage this nation is to respect the rare wisdom that initiated its creation.

if you stop feeding stray dogs they leave.

Sounds good, but I doubt it will work. There are too many of them here already. They actually think they are right. This is northern Mexico. About 5 years ago I had a concrete foreman that wouldn't speak english when I tried to communicate with him tell me in perfect english, "Gringo, you better start learning spanish because we're taking our country back"! I laughed and told him "We kicked your ass once and we'll do it again, you lost the fucking war". Seems like he was right. since then our city has recieved about 300,000 more illegals. The politicians won't stop them, Elites and corporations want them, drives down wages and domestic help would be lost.


Well-Known Member
FOXNews.com - House Minority Leader John Boehner Calls Immigration Bill 'Piece of S---' - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

we should all thank this guy for telling it like it is!


Sounds good, but I doubt it will work. There are too many of them here already. They actually think they are right.

if enough Americans do their civil duty and demand action on a local level things can quickly change. people need to deny housing, jobs and banking to these criminals. the cities that want to be "safe havens" or whatever they call it should have their fill of illegals while the rest of us drive the illegals out of our towns.

talk about the issue, jump in and let them call you a racist or whatever mindless insults they hurl, but stick with the reality of what is going on here. they absorb our resources, fill our jails, clog our emergency rooms, soil our schools and steal opportunity from Americans of every color. they should be absolutely forced to go home and all it takes is a little integrity from US!



New Member
FOXNews.com - House Minority Leader John Boehner Calls Immigration Bill 'Piece of S---' - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

we should all thank this guy for telling it like it is!


Sounds good, but I doubt it will work. There are too many of them here already. They actually think they are right.

if enough Americans do their civil duty and demand action on a local level things can quickly change. people need to deny housing, jobs and banking to these criminals. the cities that want to be "safe havens" or whatever they call it should have their fill of illegals while the rest of us drive the illegals out of our towns.

talk about the issue, jump in and let them call you a racist or whatever mindless insults they hurl, but stick with the reality of what is going on here. they absorb our resources, fill our jails, clog our emergency rooms, soil our schools and steal opportunity from Americans of every color. they should be absolutely forced to go home and all it takes is a little integrity from US!

I agree, but trying to get a quorum of three is hard in this country. Americans are too fat and mindless. They watch TV and say, let the other guy do it. Unless it affects them directly (Job loss, Grafiti in the neighborhood, Gangs etc) they just sit on their big fat asses and watch mindless shit like American Idol. More people vote for American Idol than voted in the last election, go figure. Maybe we ought to let the people vote by computer, or text messaging (something I know not how to do).


Well-Known Member
why don't we come up with a way to rate places of business and property owners?

we should grade these people and make the results public to put some scrutiny on their criminal lifestyle. rate them for what they are with a survey that asks about policies of checking residency status of foreigners, confirming legal status, etc. it would be like a sanitation score at the restaurant.



Well-Known Member
sorry, i was writing when you posted.

i agree, people are complacent about getting involved but it's because of the disconnect. the incomprehensible intricacies of the government.

that's why i'm saying we should keep it local and see the results directly. this could and should be a campaign that we each take upon ourselves to drive home...
