bush bashers monsters

bush basher

Well-Known Member
is it really a deficiency? i don't think it is much! it could be that there in the shed and the temps drop and rise prob 15 degrees day and night.


Well-Known Member
that doesn't look like a deficiency. they look very healthy. those curled leaves mean something though. i just can't remember what. they almost look over-watered.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i'll cut down a little on the watering then. i've been watering them every 2 days. bout 200ml each. maybe do that every 3 days instead. thanx for that faded.


are your pots sitting on top of dishes to collect runoff?

if so, if the runnoff water remains in that dish for a while, it could be continually soaking the botom soil/roots so it would look like over watering

earlier on i had that problem, didn't water until an inch down was bone dry... but i guess the bottom never got the same way...


Well-Known Member
those look nice....short and bushy without any management.....i like that look. keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
are your pots sitting on top of dishes to collect runoff?

if so, if the runnoff water remains in that dish for a while, it could be continually soaking the botom soil/roots so it would look like over watering

earlier on i had that problem, didn't water until an inch down was bone dry... but i guess the bottom never got the same way...
looks like he has a dish down underneath so thats very possible but i do think the curled sides like that is due to heat stress but i may be wrong. but other than that your plants look good.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i've just checked on them, and both of thems leaves are starting to glisten with little crystal like looking specs. there really startin to smell a lot too. i've never seen that before. what could it mean?


Well-Known Member
will do tahoe58 every sunday 2 new pics. thanx tok3s. peace
np man.... and the crystals you see are normal they are trichomes and the more of those the betterbongsmilie. when you harvest you will be able to make all kinds of things with the trimmings honey oil, brownies, hash, it just depends on how much leaf trimmings you got and what you like.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
trics allready?? on the fan leaves??? there only on day 31 from seed (took 8 days to show) lead based paint???? what????


Well-Known Member
trics allready?? on the fan leaves??? there only on day 31 from seed (took 8 days to show) lead based paint???? what????

i've seen trichs on a seedling that was 2 nodes high. they produce them from the start. got a microscope? it's pretty cool.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no lead based paint though.
lol who still buys lead based paint. i dont think stores even carry that crap its now water and oil based primarily. and about the trichs like fdd said they start even when they are young i had a skunk #1 outside a couple years back and i remember that thing would sparkle like crazy and you should of seen it at harvest. too bad i didnt have a digital camera then.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
well i've just transplanted them into there final tubs 20 litres. i'll get some pics of them at the wkend. one of them has really shot up, the other ones stayin the same size.