Burnt pistols *must read*


Active Member
i had same problem iy temp was 74 and still thay go a bit on the tips of the white hairs i thought that this was my problem guess not
i take it your buds are small and hairy
how big is the plants
are the nodes close together
what strain of plant is it (cheease blues nl jack budda) dont like nuts
pics would be great
you growing in pots or hydro

my guess is you have a light issue
try to use a lamp without sont 400watt of soduim and extra 30watt of blue sont in the bulb try to use a sunmaster lamp

or maybe you got too mush air around try to get the hunidity up
in grow try 70%rh and in bloom try 40%rh
you could be stripping the plants of water in them with the air moving to fast the water carnt get to the plant befour the fans are drying it ?????

theres lots of reasons like i said try to send a pic for more infomation
witout pic its a stab in the dark


Well-Known Member
i have/had this problem, plant had already reached almost full height but its started to get new growth around it anyways so it shldnt be a problem