A good percentage of the times I smoke weed, I always have the "Burnt Out" affect after I smoke. Usually me and my friend smoke 4 bowls out of the bong though. When we smoke, we usually get so baked, so I'm going to try and do one bowl this time to see if I don't get burned."The state of mind that follows the 2-4 hour stoned period. It usually only occurs after smoking a great quantity of weed. A burn out can last a long time - typically 7 to 12 hours after coming down from the high. The burnt out state of mind is characterized by an intense exhaustion, the inability to focus, a general mental dullness, the slight slurring of words, and a sensory numbness." - Urbandictionary.com
I have heard this relating to the quality of the weed, and how much weed you do.
Do you get "Burnt out" every time you smoke?
What does it relate too?