Burned Leaves? what to do with 'em?

Hi, I have read many posts and checked Google for a while but kep getting different answers.

Im growing under 400w HPS and Im nearly 3 weeks into flowering. The middle plant of my 9 (3x3) got too cose to the bulb whilst I was away at work and no the top section of leaves are yellow and singed.

Do I chop anything or just let it carry on? I have read that I should just chop the actual leaf part and leave a stem sticking out but I just want the most bud.

Any help?

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
Well, I wouldn't leave the stem without any leaf, that seems it would create an area the plant has to sustain without any reason to, although I'm pretty sure the stem would eventually shrivel up and fall off without it's reason for existing (supporting the leaf) being there. If anything, I would just cut the part of the leaf that's burnt and completely useless to the plant off and leave whatever's greenish.


Active Member
this happened to me during veg.....the leaves got pretty crispy....i left them on....i advise it.....after a while, the plant will realize that it isnt getting anything from the leaf, so it will peel off.....

litterally, it will peel off, no harm to the plant, its kind cool actually, so yes, just leave it...


Well-Known Member
i give them a slight tug, if they fall off, then i trash them, if theres any resistance to fall off, i leave them. Pics would help cuz maybe theres a reason your leaves are dying. otherwise, they should stay fresh and green til halfway thru the flowering.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I agree with Nick's post. If there is no resistance when you tug on it pull it off. If there is, leave it.

If your leaves did get singed b/c of your light, only part of them has died. The plant is still using the remaining living tissue, so leave it be. If there is no resistance when you tug though it has ceased using that leaf and it will shortly drop with or without you tugging on it.
Thanks for all the help guys. I will leave 'em on there as there are parts that are still green. I cant post piccies coz i have no camera.

Thanks again for all the answers


Active Member
Thanks for all the help guys. I will leave 'em on there as there are parts that are still green. I cant post piccies coz i have no camera.

Thanks again for all the answers
here, this is what happened to me

first pic what the leaf looked like when it fell off.

the second with the are where it came off from....to this day it is still green, no stressing, didnt stunt it at all, it was probably the best thing fro the plant simply because it was just getting in the way

