Burn On My Seedlings


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am working on getting my LP Aero setup going and I have 3 plants I'm currently working with.

The one that concerns me the most is this one... (Bagseed)
2011-10-26 18.24.20.jpg
Now my concerns are the 2 non-serrated leaves, one is yellow bad and the other is browning!!! I'm using plain ole tap water, the PH is about 6 (test strips) and I'm not putting any nutes in there yet (will be using Botanicare, at least for this first run)

Also on the serrated leaves you can see some tips yellowing (they have been like that since they popped, is that normal?)
Get a PH meter not strips, that will help and se if pH is the problem. Do you have a ppm meter? Your water might have a bunch of shit in it you dont even know about
Yup agreed, you need to get a digital meter for ph.. and also your tap watr quality can play a HUGE part of your plants health. easy way to see if your water has a bunch of shit in it is goto lowes and get a free tap water testing kit.. they hand them out by the register. also check your ppm.. if its above like...50.. then your tap water sucks. Sorry to see your seedlings looking so sad, i hope my 2 cents helps.
my ppm for my seedlings is around 200 and I still get a little scared but they should be fine
watch out for salt in yr tap water. salt content should be no more than 20 ppm. did u plant that seed in the neoprene? just wondering. i didnt know u could do that
I went direct from seed to neoprene yes... you have to be quick tho, I lost 3 AK48s breaking them to pieces trying to get them into the neoprene... beginners mistake, I let them sit too long in the paper towel so they got too big, I probably could have saved 1-2 maybe even all 3 but I'm a noob... they seem to be doing fine though, I actually added a TINY TINY bit of Botanicare Veg formula ( 7ml ) to my res 2 days ago and they seem to be doing well... I have to get a PPM meter/PH meter but they are going to have to wait as I'm broke and my last 2 paying gigs were canceled and it looks like my upcoming gig just before thanksgiving is getting scrapped too... so within 2 months I'm out at least 2k :( which I had allocated to this grow as a phased plan... now I'm scrapping to get a suitable grow together just to finish these plants, thankfully I only need to finish up my FAE system everything else I can technically deal with until they flower, right now I have to get some ducting and a couple fans, then I'm getting my meters... (otherwise I would have had them already :( )