Yeah, no, I get that, I wasn't referring to your above ground scheme that presumably takes place on property you already posses, I was referring to the OP's entire idea of purchasing land, excavating the land and burying a unit, building a building out of units around it, making sure everything is structurally sound and wired correctly, not to mention finding some sort of water source for your off the grid, middle of nowhere buried grow op and not-open-to-the-public mechanic shop.
Yes, THAT would be expensive as fuck. HEY OP just find a buddy who has land, with well and just pay him for renting a spot on his land. throw the container there, and there u go! give him an oz a month!!!
What's the price for this,
Iv got someone bugging me to set one up only a 20 footer though, but 4 4x8 trays would be nice like how you have drawn up.
And timers?
Oooo yeah and like a 5k or 6k generator?
considering u need to buy all the equipment.
3k for delievered Container
1-1.5k for insulation
4 lights 4k unless u buy used
1-2k for fans for lights including scrubbers and inline fans if u go cooled hoods and exhaust inlet air as well
1k-1.5k running the wires for the container and control panels
500 for trays
100 bux for reservoirs
timers are cheap but lets say 100 bux if u get some bad ass timers
if u go generator im not sure at all what costs that is. but i'd go solar. panels shouldnt cost much. get a quote.
1k in Labor unless u do it urself or have friends who are willing to help u out for a smoke out n some dinner
2k for nutrients 500 for media and pots
if u panda roll ur room about 200
if u run co2 generator another 1k
mini split? or window ac? 5 ton mini split a/c 5k
window mount 28,000btu about 500-700
+700 window
or +5000 mini split
18100 or 22400 + 3mths rent (if on ur buddys land) 3mths water 3 mths power and if u go solar ur prolly gonna finance, and if u go generator, then u gotta pay for the generator and gas
I am pricing the items all high end and selecting the MOST cuz you're gonna run into some shit and most likely its either gonna cost more. It ALWAYS does.
and if you dont run into any problems, you're gonna have some left over, cool. put that down on something i dont know what. rent. power. water. whatever. you're gonna use it.