Burglars thieving in the night


New Member
Yep! Got burgled. The last year I've been living in a not-so-good neighborhood, and I thought that I had passed the worst phase – being a white, dorky newcomer. :D Just when I thought that I was cool with the guys chilling on the steps downstairs or just the general crowd around, I got taught a lesson.

That's not the funniest – or worst – of it. The burglars who had come in left my laptop (that I'm typing this on), left my (admittedly shitty) TV, but took all my nice pipes and bongs! :D I got a little mini-balcony, and smoked a lot on it during the past year, using my nice pieces. The idea was, “Hey it's the 'hood, right?” Looks like the hood got back at me in a creative way. Which makes me think that this burglary wasn't mean or even done with bad intentions, in a way. It was “just business” for a few guys on the block, and a way to play a wry practical joke on me at the same time.

I don't think I was doing anything terrible – people here generally are very relaxed about the weed, the guys smoke it on the corner and even the older folks are pretty cheerful about it – so it doesn't feel like a punishment(the local people I know haven't changed their attitude towards me at all, either). Just... Like a practical joke. :D Maybe a part of me being so upbeat about this is the fact that I don't want to think someone has a grudge against me, maybe it's because I just ripped a few hits of nice, dank Lemon Haze on the one shitty plastic bong they left, I dunno. But it all does seem very amusing.

It is a bit of a bummer, though – they got my Roor (which I suspect was a fake but nevertheless a vey good one), a nice vape that I had got from Smokewire just a month before, some nice glass pieces (pipes and bongs), two bongs that I had brought back from Amsterdam (sentimental rather than really monetary value), a few really cool bronze pipes that I bought from a metalworker acquaintance, and then a bunch of less valuable stuff (grinders, etc).

Have any of you been burgled or gotten your pieces stolen? It isn't a great thing to have happened, and these bongs were nice, but not end-all-be-all items necessary for my life or a deep part of my self-identity, so... I'm not too torn up about it. :D But I think a lot of enthusiasts would disagree with me(I certainly know a few people for whom marijuana is close to the end-all-be-all), what about the crowd on these forums? :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your luck. I hope you have secured your home better, because it sounds like they hand picked you for the items that you wouldn't call the authorities about with a quick and easy resale value. They will keep coming back until you fix it. This is common in the hood and actually smart for thieves. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to respond because someone will accuse me of being a racist

now that seems sort of racist...never mind
I live in the ghetto you racist.. jk but really i live in the ghetto and its shiiiitty, i got excited and bought a cheap place because i didnt want to deal with a landlord... i constantly get offered crack lol.. and a lot of other shit. hookers are everywhere and id be afraid my car would get aids just by these nasty whores looking at it trying to get my attention. now im trying to word this without saying anything racist.. but i hope right after i move this whole area gets firebombed


Well-Known Member
I dreamt last night someone robbed my drying room. I was so sure itd happened i had to go see if the racks were still there when i got up.