Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

Obviously, there's a bit more depth to this
Yeah, its called a made up story, a total fabrication as it didn't actually happen. To not qualify for Welfare, your primary vehicle value has to be worth more than $10,000.

Resource limits go up with age, granny's limit would increase by 40% if she was over age 60, which I assume she was.

Hell your granny could have had a car and several thousand in the bank and still qualify.

Homes aren't used against you either, unless you have more than 1.

This is why I know its a BS story.

Your granny doesn't have to lie to have a mail order business where she sends her used panties to old creepy dudes. Businesses aren't required to make a profit.
Yeah, its called a made up story, a total fabrication as it didn't actually happen. To not qualify for Welfare, your primary vehicle value has to be worth more than $10,000.

Resource limits go up with age, granny's limit would increase by 40% if she was over age 60, which I assume she was.

Hell your granny could have had a car and several thousand in the bank and still qualify.

Homes aren't used against you either, unless you have more than 1.

This is why I know its a BS story.

Your granny doesn't have to lie to have a mail order business where she sends her used panties to old creepy dudes. Businesses aren't required to make a profit.

I know what's true, my grandmother was on disability due to her age; not normal SS. There was, like I said, a trust involved; which is what fucked her. She was victim of a mishandled trust that screwed her because a vindictive family member didn't get the trifle my GG had to her name. If you don't believe me, then that's no skin off my nose.
I know what's true, my grandmother was on disability due to her age; not normal SS. There was, like I said, a trust involved; which is what fucked her. She was victim of a mishandled trust that screwed her because a vindictive family member didn't get the trifle my GG had to her name. If you don't believe me, then that's no skin off my nose.

What age do they automatically put you on disability? First I ever heard of this program that so heinously affected your grandmother. I googled "disability for being old" but came up with nada.

You would think the blindness and the MS would be enough to get her a disability rating...............nope, gotta sell your car worth $500 and take a cab to get welfare. what state was this in?
What age do they automatically put you on disability? First I ever heard of this program that so heinously affected your grandmother. I googled "disability for being old" but came up with nada.

You would think the blindness and the MS would be enough to get her a disability rating...............nope, gotta sell your car worth $500 and take a cab to get welfare. what state was this in?

I have no idea of the exact age, but she wasn't even in her 60's when she started on it. The problem was they mishandled her trust and that put her over their income requirements at the time. Disability said the car (Which was less than 4 years old at the time.) and the pittance she got because the money was mishandled by a family member that wasn't happy with stealing all my GG's gold, silver, and jewelry; all while saddling my grandmother with the transport fees to get the car from CA from TX and the mechanic fees to render it drivable again. Like I said, it's not simple.

You don't get disability for being old, you get it for being too sick to work. Provided you worked long enough in your lifetime. http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

Edit: I phrased that other statement badly. It was not because of old age; she was on disability because of how young she was at the time. She was too young for regular SS.
I have to ask, you do know that correlation does not equal causation right? Children are impressionable, and being born into a family with shitty economic prospects that happens to resort to criminal activity is a good way to impress that it's okay to be a criminal. You're ignoring huge aspects of a social creature's reactions in a group setting; which is much more reasonable and supportable than "genes made him a criminal". Unless you're saying that poor people tend to be genetically inferior to the rich, as the poor tend to be convicted of more crimes.

So I take it you don't believe in hereditary disease? That's all bullshit too, right?

Of course not.

Hereditary disease occurs as a direct result of genetic "issues" within an organism passed down from generation to generation.

When it comes to breeding programs, there is no "correlation", either you start with good genes, or the offspring WILL be shit. Period. (shit meaning inferior to offspring from good genetic stock)

Environmental factors don't instill "drive" or motivation, that comes from the genes. There are some people that will NEVER willingly jump out of an airplane, run a marathon, or get a high school diploma, and there's some people that, no matter how much they train, will ever be able to compete athletically at the Olympic level. They just don't have it in their genes.

Environmental factors can certainly contribute to criminal behavior, however, there are some individuals that are just shitbags, and these shitbags breed more shitbags, who in turn make life miserable for the rest of us.

They can't help it though.

It's in their genes.

Which is why many of us don't weep for those shitbags when they get gunned down by decent citizens while perpetrating their shitbag agendas...
So I take it you don't believe in hereditary disease? That's all bullshit too, right?

Of course not.

Hereditary disease occurs as a direct result of genetic "issues" within an organism passed down from generation to generation.

When it comes to breeding programs, there is no "correlation", either you start with good genes, or the offspring WILL be shit. Period. (shit meaning inferior to offspring from good genetic stock)

Environmental factors don't instill "drive" or motivation, that comes from the genes. There are some people that will NEVER willingly jump out of an airplane, run a marathon, or get a high school diploma, and there's some people that, no matter how much they train, will ever be able to compete athletically at the Olympic level. They just don't have it in their genes.

Environmental factors can certainly contribute to criminal behavior, however, there are some individuals that are just shitbags, and these shitbags breed more shitbags, who in turn make life miserable for the rest of us.

They can't help it though.

It's in their genes.

Which is why many of us don't weep for those shitbags when they get gunned down by decent citizens while perpetrating their shitbag agendas...

Eugenics! It's valid! Fuck science!
That's an interesting question, however, I don't believe research has nailed down the genetic code to that extent...yet.

Just as there are specific genes that determine traits such as hair, eye color, and complexion, there are certainly genes that influence, if not MANDATE, human behaviors, and it's the behaviors we are actually concerned with, not "race".

It could be that a specific gene has an abnormal impact on neural chemistry that reduces empathy, and enhances hostility, which leads to criminal behaviors.

Regardless, it would be nice to know, and an excellent tool to screen and identify motherfuckers that shouldn't be breeding.


now that rushton is dead, there's an empty seat at the pioneer fund for someone like you.
Could be, however, it could also be that the motherfucker doesn't have the genes to behave in "civilized" society. There are families that have multiple generations that have been worthless piece of shit criminals. Why?

Defective genes.

They lack the capacity to empathize with their fellow man and believe THEIR needs outweigh those of their fellow citizens.

To say all of these worthless pieces of shit are simply "hungry" or "can't get a job" is bullshit. Most of them are just fucking lazy, have no personal discipline, and want to do their own thing at the expense of others, and amazingly enough, they pass these traits on to their spawn.

To deny genetic factors would indeed be "talking out your ass".

you sir, are mentally retarded.
So I take it you don't believe in hereditary disease? That's all bullshit too, right?

Of course not.

Hereditary disease occurs as a direct result of genetic "issues" within an organism passed down from generation to generation.

When it comes to breeding programs, there is no "correlation", either you start with good genes, or the offspring WILL be shit. Period. (shit meaning inferior to offspring from good genetic stock)

Environmental factors don't instill "drive" or motivation, that comes from the genes. There are some people that will NEVER willingly jump out of an airplane, run a marathon, or get a high school diploma, and there's some people that, no matter how much they train, will ever be able to compete athletically at the Olympic level. They just don't have it in their genes.

Environmental factors can certainly contribute to criminal behavior, however, there are some individuals that are just shitbags, and these shitbags breed more shitbags, who in turn make life miserable for the rest of us.

They can't help it though.

It's in their genes.

Which is why many of us don't weep for those shitbags when they get gunned down by decent citizens while perpetrating their shitbag agendas...

seriously though, the eugenicists and white supremacists over at the pioneer fund would love to have an idiot like you working for them. give it a try.
She doesn't drive, family members do, and my great grandmother did before she died. Hence why my GG left it to her sick daughter. Those that can't drive still have the need to be driven. Especially when they have a persistent autoimmune disorder. She got to wait for non-emergency ambulance transport when she was bedridden, since she had no car. You have a heart attack? Too bad, emergency services are busy driving my grandma to the hospital.
Why didn't she just sell it to one of the family members who drove her?

you chose the canadian Uniform Crime Statistics for one set of numbers, and a crazy anti-gun organization for the american numbers using a BULLSHIT crazy claim of 14612 firearms homicides.

you know we too have a Uniform Crime report, from a little organization called the FBI, maybe you've heard of them.

the fbi statistics from 2011 (latest info published) are quite different.


8583 firearms homicides in 2011, not 14,000.

you can only get 14000 firearms homicides if you include ALL homicides (which the canadians do not) suicide (which the canadians do not) or accidents (which the canadians do not) or people who get eaten by bears because they DIDNT have a gun (which i assume is quite common in canada)

8583 / 3138 = 2.7, NOT 4.66

so canada in 2011 had a 1.7 firearms homicide rate/100,00, and the US had a 2.7/100,00 rate.

not so different. but thats why you chase down stats from gun grabbers instead of using the Uniform Crime Report, like you do for the canadian rate.

Check again, the 14000 was ALL murders.

I clearly wrote ALL HOMICIDES. Thanks, go back and read the post again, because you certainly missed some crucial info.
You don't get disability for being old, you get it for being too sick to work. Provided you worked long enough in your lifetime. http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

Edit: I phrased that other statement badly. It was not because of old age; she was on disability because of how young she was at the time. She was too young for regular SS.

You don't have to work a single day of your life to get disability.

Sounds like granny had all sorts of valuables, gold , jewels, silver etc etc. The money to ship a car, the money to have a mechanic work on it, since that particular 4 year old car was so old and beat up it was not drivable. And then another family member STOLE everything, yet granny had to take the fall for it all.

God damn this story has everything.
As I said, target verification is important, and I don't think that an elderly neighbor who I visually recognize (Not a likely threat.) and a large man who is not likely to be senile or there to cook breakfast are really equivalent. If you get shot entering your own house, then your family needs more weapon training and really shouldn't have access to the thing.
Or your family has plenty of trai9ning, they just don't like you.
In CA I can legally own it with my doctors rec, and it's CA state law that dictates who I can shoot and when. So I see no reason why state courts would find me guilty of anything. So if you saw some kid stealing $50 worth of property, you wouldn't see any issue with gunning them down? The only time I can fathom deadly force being at all reasonable is when another life is reasonably at risk. Otherwise, you're just killing a person for money.
"you're just killing a person for money." You say that like it was a bad thing.
Quote Originally Posted by UncleBuck View Post what if my neighbor joe horn shoots me after i lock myself out by accident?....................... Block party?