Bump If You're Baked!


Active Member
I just received some super skunk and i am really enjoying it, first time trying and i am some kind of fucking high after a few gravity bong hits.


Well-Known Member
just took 3 10mg narcos and nice bowl of purple haze vaping right now..............its hitting.....narcos should kick in about 15 min


Active Member
I started a tolerance break last month about this time until my harvest in about 3 - 4 weeks, right now I'm vaping of a grab bag of abv (already been vaped) consisting of green crack, pineapple chunck, pineapple express, ak47, Trainwreck and some random strain.


Well-Known Member
Pre-bump, cause about to be to stoned to bump.

about to smoke a bowl of somekind of purple, and eat a 15-17mg jwh chocolate.