Bump If You're Baked!

Chase the Bass

Active Member
Pretty baked. Saw the thread about alcohol and I thought this about driving with the ladies..."Ally always sits in the driver seat. Mary just goes along for the ride."


Well-Known Member
So ya I'm like on hour 42 straight of being stoned ... had a few come downs but they didn't last more than an hour or so before I toked up ...

VERY BUMPED right now!



Active Member
buddy called me this morning
said he's got no weed and he's been up all night
we all know what they say about a friend in need, and a friend with weed.

so I did what I do and I got him stoned (and myself to of course)



Active Member
birthday weekend, so nug has been being thrown at me

blackberry kush cross
purple trainwreck
purple kush
some diesel cross
Sensi Star
some stuff that resembles Sensi, but smells different

needless to say.... bump!!!
..zzz....zzz...zzz...man all..zzz..zzz..i want for christmas..zzz..zzz..is 2 fat bitches a bag a weed a some cheeseburgers...zzz...zzz...HUH! Did some one say somethng....