Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
bump...popcorn buds from my last grow that have been curing since dec.....pretty nice i must say


Well-Known Member
fat ass bong hits that make you salivate and your eyes tear up...i call it when it hit gets you "emotional"


Well-Known Member
ugh... i cant till thursday but i got bout 1, 1/8 of super silver haze and a fem of it bout rdy to harvest. woot!!!


New Member
dudeleboski can i steal your fine print??? lol
it doesnt mean anything and probably wont hold in any respectable court of law - that being said it does give me some peace at mnd ;-)

go for it

edit: dont forget to change the bold type for Drgreenz " DudeLebowski is a fictional character...."


New Member
haha i took part of it a while back to add to a couple others. thanx dudelebowski. bongsmiliebumpin and eatin a freshly picked strawberry from my closet

i jacked it from somebody myself - so the credit goes to an uncredited source cause i was stoned when i nipped it :)

im eating...starburst jelly beans out freshly picked out of the bag of em i bought :)

bout to smoke a nug