Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
yupp just smoked a blunt of haze x skunk (freebie seeds from seed boutique. sam the skunkman) and wow im rippped i wouldnt say uplifting like it says butt def a sativaish high



Well-Known Member
haha nice, iv had 3 blunts today, got a couple more planned for the Football game tomorrow, BUMP


Well-Known Member
About to go smoke a nice bowl of sticky blue and purple kush, then gonna watch a movie and fall asleep. Nothing better. :weed:


New Member
We going to. Bump. Forever. and Ever. Cmon an sing along....Bumping ALL NIGHT LONNNNNNNG....allnight..woahhhh......all niiiiiiiiiight lonnnnnng...all nightttt...