Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
Not feeling to healthy today, think i may be coming down with the flu but, I just vaped a bowl of purple widow. Still feel like shit but I got a smile on my face.
just waking up to some White Domina, huge dog walk this morning with the people from the Humane Society @10, than my parents birthday this afternoon, check next weeks schedule from work and back home by 1pm to watch something I cant remember what.


Well-Known Member
going to go to the range later and let off some steam, then get some papers from the headshop next door.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty fried right now.....listening to some OLD Muddy Waters and RObert Johnson and Howling Jack.............old delta blues........my my........look there are butterflys on my screen.....................oops thats my wallpapper never mind