Bump If You're Baked!


just took an Earth Shattering Bong snap and gonna eat some Sweet tater casserole

just took an Earth Shattering Bong snap and gonna eat some Sweet tater casserole

that looks amazing!!!

i plan on going to bora bora and ................

fuck i can't remember where it was...but somewhere near bora bora...

it looks like that. i cant wait

not blazedf but durnk as shit..gonna roll something up right now
ok i just smokedl ike 0.1.....but im still blazed a lil...

calmed down after being so fucking drunk..chillin now watchin south park...gonna pass out in a min...feel so much better.

drinking fucking sucks. i hate alcohol..only drinkin to get higher with my scarce amount of bud
taking a few cookies for our walk in the woods at 11 this morning after I poo.
SHould kick in around 12:30 and I will stop in the woods at 1pm and watch the dogs go ape shit over the new snow, but Ill take a rip now and get the day started off right.
Bump.. woke up its 3:45 am.

Smoking a bowl of Herijuana. I love this strain, i dont seem to build a tolerance to it, medicates me up just as good as it did haha. Gives you a jittery tingly feeling.
damn i spent like 15 min lookin for this thread again..i ended up on page 9...

im fuckin paranoid as shit tho so im gonna go pass out soon
so blazed..i regret smokin those few spliffs when my pipe broke...fuck mannnn

i just made ah omemade bong and im so fucking blazed right now
so blazed..i regret smokin those few spliffs when my pipe broke...fuck mannnn

i just made ah omemade bong and im so fucking blazed right now
damn... you said you had .4 left yesterday? shittttttt that so crazy i wanna get blazed off .1 but get trashed off .5

But almost time to re-up again huh? :/

bump..some more Herijuana before bed :) very good sleep time bud.
lol yeaaaa...i don't get to smoke here and now 0.1 will get me high..i got og out of nowhere so i'm really blazed.

it would be great to get blazed off of 0.1 when you have like an ounce.

it sucks to get high off of 0.1 when you only have 0.4