Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
Bump! I just felt real I don't even know if I can explain it, I felt as if I was a little kid again, for a few moments i felt as relaxed and care free as I felt back then, it felt so comfortable. Before having my spirit robbed from me by the Christian religion and my heart broken by all of my former romances, before all of my failures happened, for a minute there I felt as if those things had never happened. I was a euphoric child.


Active Member
Just finishing up some of the work around my grow and just blazed a great white russian and have Supertramp on the tunes... some times life is very good... the simple life is very good... ah to be laid back...


Well-Known Member
Bump if I'm Baked! Schmokin' some dealers choice.....as I just typed that I realized that would make a most excellent strain name 'dealers choice' ahah, I can think of all kinds of strain names, I wonder if I were to make a thread with unique strain names would any of them stick, as this is a forum of growers afterall. Hmm, I should totally make a grow game for RIU, where you have to grow plants before bugs eat them and catch falling buds, haha that would be sick. Lol