The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
Didn't that sell out in like 12 minutes or something?
LoL, far from it my friend! Can't stand skinny jeans. It's just the cheapest.^^Hipster!!!^^ lol. Not gonna lie that beer is pretty tasty for how much it cost. To bad I tried it a week before I stopped drinking. It's ok though I feel the mind drugs are much more enjoyable.
An opiate, 2 benzo's and weed...Heroin. Kpins. Phenazepam. Weed. No2.
I'm sleeeepppppyyy....
Okay I'm quite frighten by this statement. Tell me you're not dumping innocent individuals into the pond after a drug frenzied state. But thats just my humor playing me for a fool now..... you're fleshly blashing dunken donuts in the toilet now huhim on the pot dumping my buddies off in the pool....LOL