Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial


Active Member
If it was spring I would, in fact I have a bunch of half consolidated jars I am saveing for some outdoor patches.
Are you going to post your outdoor patch grow? I would like to see you do one:)

My Full Moon grow at 4 weeks flower...
Looking very nice @ 4 weeks. Nice and frosty and dark green. Looks like the grow lights were on when taking pix? What light are you using?


New Member
Great post! Glad it got bumped. I was bout to do a no filter monotub tek.

Ima be doing popcorn so glad you posted this. I saw it yeild ounces and was like im deff doing this


Active Member
What a tease. Your driving me crazy with your beautiful grows :) I'm going to have to stop looking. I want to get my stuff going so bad still. I will have to try it again, 4th try :(


Well-Known Member
If Choempi doesn't mind - I can tell you my experiences. I stored several prints in a cool dry place for 8 years. When I recently attempted to grow them in a normal manner, I got no success. I placed some of the spores in sterile water under vacuum for a few days and got three spores to germinate. I intend to store more spores here shortly and will collect prints upon prints in a petrie dish so that I have enough to compensate for the poor germination rate.


Well-Known Member
If Choempi doesn't mind - I can tell you my experiences. I stored several prints in a cool dry place for 8 years. When I recently attempted to grow them in a normal manner, I got no success. I placed some of the spores in sterile water under vacuum for a few days and got three spores to germinate. I intend to store more spores here shortly and will collect prints upon prints in a petrie dish so that I have enough to compensate for the poor germination rate.
don't mind a bit, good info canndo


Well-Known Member
anybody got Qs?


huffin paint and model glue



Well-Known Member
you are correct sir.

I reckon it could stand for hippo poo, but you'd have to work at a zoo or live in africa to get hippo poo easily.. though hippo poo will work. maybe not wild hippo poo but zoo hippo poo, saw a documentory and showed hippos eating animals and people, actually eating not just killing, so i dont know if a meat eating wild hippo poo would work or not, but zoo hippo poo works,

of course this is not what you asked i just felt the need to include it.
you are correct sir.

I reckon it could stand for hippo poo, but you'd have to work at a zoo or live in africa to get hippo poo easily.. though hippo poo will work. maybe not wild hippo poo but zoo hippo poo, saw a documentory and showed hippos eating animals and people, actually eating not just killing, so i dont know if a meat eating wild hippo poo would work or not, but zoo hippo poo works,

of course this is not what you asked i just felt the need to include it.
I... o_O

thanks :-P