Bulb Disposal?


Well-Known Member
I put mine in a big trash bag and break it in the closed bag. They into the trash......


Well-Known Member
I toss mine in a dumpster out of town. I wouldn't put it in your trash though I've heard of quite a few people getting busted from cops searching your trash and finding leaves, nute bottles etc. they can't get a warrant for a grow light bulb but you can bet your ass they find it their gonna watch you even harder. but if your legal you can ask how to properly dispose cause I know it aint legal to put in a dumpster cause of the mercury and whatever else they got in them bulbs even flourescents are sopouse to be recycled. but if your not legal a dumpster is your best bet.


Well-Known Member
Is there not mercury in the bulb? I'm not sure I'd break them! But yes good question. I will see if store takes them back?