building your own grow room

what what

Active Member
I just want to say to everyone that building your own grow is a pain in the ass and you would be better off just buying one. This is the case if you are just looking for the size of a grow tent. After all the wood, screws, poly film, bits, stapples and if you had to buy any tools to make this. I had a 100ft of poly film and am very handy with tools so I built my own grow tent/room but I would rather just buy one. They are almost the same price too. I think I spent around 150 for the build and they sale for 200ish. The more I do, the more I learn the right way to do things. Good luck if you still want to build your own tent...
the key is to think deeply on what it is you want, and plan everything. Extra time and patience helps a lot. If you haven't changed things at least twice then things are far from optimal, lol. Seems the hell you will go through the first time is inevitable, always best to start small and build your way up if you can. Custom is worth it if you know exactly what you want and experience is golden, unless of course its not permanent then, hell yeah buy that shit.
i agree im building my flowering tent from plastic pvc tubes and black nylon and its a pain in the ass!!! but in this part of the world there no grow tents so cant buy one and the nylon is letting light in so yeah 3 days of work and still working at it