Building room


Hello all, I have recently got the go ahead to start growing again from the wife after my last crop got mites bad and i lost all my plants. could have saved but i didnt have the cash flow to buy the needed stuff, but now it's the time to start slowly getting back into it. I want to construct a tent and have been doing research and am leaning towards furniture grade PVC piping to do it and make a 5x5x6. I figured this so I can possibly have some decent space in the tent. Also was thinking about wrapping it in panda plastic but not sure exactly how it all works but seemed easy enough to do. Was wondering if anyone has done this or has any insight on the matter and possibly some tips or some do's and dont's and things to avoid. Thanks in advance


Active Member
I'm currently planning on making two small tents with 6 mil panda film. I plan to use 2x4 studs to do it though. Lumber is cheap, about 3.50 for a 12' stud, and this way you can staple the plastic onto the wood studs. For fan and ducting installation I cut holes into boards, attach flanges, and then can screw the board onto the frame. I also recently came across 6.7 mm mylar, offering the durability of panda poly with the mirror finish of mylar. I will probably stick to panda though, because it is cheaper and the reflectivity is less sensitive to wrinkles.


Well-Known Member
I've built three seperate tents out of PVC and Panda now, and I've also built a couple support structures IN A 5' x 6' ROOM, very similar to the dimensions you are thinking about. PVC and Panda works great for smaller tents, but you get into the the larger structures and things start bowing. I built my tents out of 3/4" Scedule 40 PVC, and for an area of about 2'x4'x6', it works pretty well. The problem is, with the larger PVC structure with 5' lengths, when you start hanging lights and fans and stuff from the PVC, it starts sagging down and deforming the structure. Recently, I made the switch to wood...except instead of 2x4's, I'm using 2x3's which cost 1.88 for an 8' length. Cheaper than the PVC I used to work with, and WAY stronger. Mind you, I'm hanging 3 air cooled hoods as well as other equipment, but the extra stability of the wood has given me peace of mind.

That being said, I still veg in my 2'x4'x6' PVC tent...Love this thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 8' 2x3's for 1.88 at home depot. I just bought 12 on Tuesday and put my light hanging support structure up in like an hour.


Meta thanks again for the help, I think I am gonna head to home dePOT and go grab some possibly. Meta if you don't mind me asking how big are you making your new tent and how exactly are you doing it?


Ok so I think I have a change 0f plans after I have been drawing my ass off trying to figure this out. I now think that I am going to make a 6x6x6 for the sole reason that when the time comes I can split the room in 2 and veg and flower in the same room. Saves me the hassle of building another room. So now with this 6'x6'x6' I have it's structure being build by 2x3's (thanks meta) and each wall will have a brace in the middle of itself for safety reasons when I start hanging lights and such from it. I have also thought about running wood across the top of the box so I have a place to hang my light(s) and fans and exhaust. Any ideas or suggestions. Thanks in advance once again.

P.s. the box is still being wrapped in panda film probably being bought from HTG supply cause I can't find a better deal on it. It's 44$ for the 10'x50' roll and that's way more then needed but I would rather be safe then sorry.


Now more issues come up... I am putting this box in my basement but my basement doesn't have a plug where I want the box. There is a light however right above where I want the box. Does anyone know how to change the light fixture to a plug that will hold the load of a grow room set up. I know those adapters that screw into a light that have plugs on them will not even come close to with standing the load of a room. Thanks in advance


Ok so I bought 30 8' 2x3 and am cutting them down to my 6' dimensions. I got the walls framed out of 5 6' 2x3s and am connecting the 2x3 at the corner with corner studs more or less. It's 2 2x3 cut down to size spaced apart by the scrap 2x3 at the top and bottom. If I knew how to post pictures I would but I lack in that department


Well-Known Member
Sounds good so far, sounds like you're going to have a solid setup...Can you run an extension cord to your tent from somewhere else, if there's no outlet?


Ok so now comes more problems for me and the room. Landlord is getting a divorce and needs us to find a new house ASAP so they can sell this house and split it I guess. I will still put up pictures as s


Ok so now comes more problems for me and the room. Landlord is getting a divorce and needs us to find a new house ASAP so they can sell this house and split it I guess. I will still put up pictures as soon as I figure out how. So this room will be delayed a little. Keep checking in to see if there is anything new added. I am sorta glad we got to move cause this house was bring problem after problem for me