I used cheap $11.00 a sheet 1/4 inch panalling, I framed the partition with 2x2's. I built the custom door and door jam with the same material. The door handle didn't need a hole saw because I used a screen door handle and 3/8 inch drill bit to make hole for it. Panda film blows out, it rips, and it causes photofuckups. cheap panelling is less expensive and better for the application. If you have to move the walls,it can be taken down by removing the wedges, and loaded up into a truck or trailer. I chose to do this in a heated and air conditioned garage because it was the perfect set-up. back the trailer in shut the garage and load everything up talkes 1hr 45 min to acomplish this. It goes back up in about 2 hours. This was first concieved as a way to partition a basement in half, to createveg ,mother/clone room, and bloom room. Living behind the Zion curtain made building this to go mobile was an important factor. This helps in the duck the landlord scenerio as well. Providing they give a little notice. peace
To see more on theis construction in progress see my thred $425.00 grow room. melungeonman.