Building an underground grow room


Active Member
Hey all, been reading these forums for a while and decided its time to join because I'm ready to start a serious grow, underneath my deck outside.

It's easy to get underneath via a cutout that flips upwards to gain entrance underneath the deck and is not in view of any neighbors etc...basically I am planning on digging a huge ditch and putting up walls to create a room, im looking to dig 6-8 feet deep, and make it however wide it needs to be to make use of this space. I don't know what to make the walls out of, I'm assuming I should use 2x4's and some type of wood to set up and frame walls, with a roof which is going to be recovered with a bit of dirt just so its not out in the open in case my parents look under undearneath the deck while working in the backyard and see a random big plank of wood laying under there...

My questions are basically what are the best materials to use in my situation, and best place to put ventilation, how many fans i should use, type of lights and best place to put them etc,. I'm going to grow probably 4-6 plants, and planning on working on this project and maintaining my plants during night only since im a late night person and my parents aren't. It sounds easy enough, just a bit of digging and stealthiness but we all know how worth it it will be in the end =D
Thanks for the advice beforehand, cheers


Active Member
I should have made specific I'm looking for how I should construct walls underground so that 1) They don't rot 2)They won't cave in
Other than that any other tips are appreciated thanks =D


Well-Known Member
Absolutely do not dig a huge whole connected to your parents house. You are going to get caught, you are going to fuck up there house, and you may just bury yourself alive when this comes crashing down on you. Wait until you graduate highschool and get your own house to ruin. Seriously though, don't fuck with your parents house that they have worked so hard to purchase to keep you off the streets.


Well-Known Member
You dunno if anything's down in the soil there either and it's going to stink... so bad idea.


Well-Known Member
yea bad idea, for all the reasons stated, especially for only 4 to 6 plants. go find a secluded spot to grow outside, or rent a place to grow in but live at home. I very rarely see my neighbours in the basement apartment of my place, and they have dark curtains so you cant see in, so far all i know they dont live their and theres actually 50 plants down there...


Well-Known Member

kid hasn't posted.... bet he went and started digging and hit the main elec. line going into his house.

i agree with all statements above.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses, even though they're all negative. Maybe I should have been more specific about my situation. I am 18 and living with my parents at the moment while working part time and going to college. I understand how it is going behind my parents back, because it's their property. I should also add that i am not a first time grower, but I am not going to do it within the walls of my house because the spot i used to grow in (the best, most discreet spot), i ended up getting arrested about a year ago and going to jail for what police told me was going to be over a month till i even got to my trial (non-drug related charge), but I ended up getting out the next day because one of the cops who was working with me used to work at the jail and was able to get me out the next day. Basically I told them where my plant was because I would rather have that gotten rid of while I was doing time than let it burn my house down while unmaintained, and kill my family.
Now to the point. My deck wasnt built at the same time my house was, about a year after. I know for a fact there is no wiring underneath it, so i have no reason to believe i'd hit anything other than dirt while digging. My only change of thought compared to last post was maybe i was thinking a bit too large scale, maybe if I made a box out of nonbiodegradable plastic (a large tubberware tub etc) i could get that underground easily, just for the purpose of having somewhere to put it. I know more than enough about growing to get it done successfully, it's all a matter of having the space. As far as smell, i've done my research on carbon filters and know how to make one.


Well-Known Member
Well its still a very very silly idea!!!!!!!!! One thing 2x4 will never SUPPORT the weight of the ground and you will burry yourself alive My father used to own a vault company the kind you burry people in not vaults at the bank. The lid had to have 6 inches of concret and rebar and only had 24 inchs of dirt on the top of it. Do you relize oh much digging that would take. Go for a long hike and do your lil grow in the outdoors.


Well-Known Member
dude going underground should be the last idea you have. That shit is for commercial bad mother fuckers.

youd need to dig a hole so fucking big that you would need rebar and at least cinderblocks to keep the walls in, forget it if it rained. making a mini concrete basement foundation would be the read deal but nearly impossible to pull off.

where are you going to put that 15 cubic yards of dirt after you dig this monster hole? Mom is surely going to notice your pile of earth back there.

Id be in some forrest area digging holes out there. Much easier and way less shady.


Well-Known Member
Dont let these guys get you down,i have a 2o x 15 underground growroom under my parents house,and they have no idea.If you want to grow at the folks,build a small stealth grow cabinet that looks like a dreeser etc,or go on a hike around the area and find a sweet spot to throw yer ladies Good luck Hbr


Active Member
what are you going to do when it rains and all of that water runs straight to that hole?


Well-Known Member
Dont let these guys get you down,i have a 2o x 15 underground growroom under my parents house,and they have no idea.If you want to grow at the folks,build a small stealth grow cabinet that looks like a dreeser etc,or go on a hike around the area and find a sweet spot to throw yer ladies Good luck Hbr
dude you are so full of shit I see flies hovering around this very post


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you all are freakin on this guy.... from what I read in the first post was he is putting it "under a deck" as long as he's not making the box 6-8 feet under the top layer of dirt he should be fine... just put like 3" of dirt on the top *no weight*

If I were doing it... I'd use some 4x4 supports on the corners and build a 2x4 frame to fill the rest... Treat the outside with a good no rot stain or paint and you will be golden..... Just my thoughts though...... I would opt for the stealth cabinet... it'll be easier for you to take care of, being inside the house and not under the house....


Active Member
Yeah I was planning on doing it under the deck, with literally no weight over the roof, just a layer of dirt. After reading all the posts here though and talking to my older half brother who grows underground himself, but a half hour away from his house (still dying to see this set up) and he said it wouldn't be a good idea just because of the difficulty of actually building the room itself. I'd rather spend the money on a big bag and spend the time smoking it ^_^

But as for the dirt i was planning to dig, i wasn't going to just dump it in my backyard and hope nobody would notice, I was going to throw what i shovel into buckets, you know do like an hours worth or so digging every night when i get home from work (night job, parents are always asleep) and just throw it in my car to dump somewhere when i go to drive around.

But on another hand, i have read the SCROG sticky here and have decided to use that to gut out a speaker with a broken subwoofer and just do it the easy way. I've seen great results from the scrog method on this site and I'm not going for a crazy yield, just the satisfaction of smoking your own homegrown and the patience of watching the plant grow over time.
Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey all, been reading these forums for a while and decided its time to join because I'm ready to start a serious grow, underneath my deck outside.

It's easy to get underneath via a cutout that flips upwards to gain entrance underneath the deck and is not in view of any neighbors etc...basically I am planning on digging a huge ditch and putting up walls to create a room, im looking to dig 6-8 feet deep, and make it however wide it needs to be to make use of this space. I don't know what to make the walls out of, I'm assuming I should use 2x4's and some type of wood to set up and frame walls, with a roof which is going to be recovered with a bit of dirt just so its not out in the open in case my parents look under undearneath the deck while working in the backyard and see a random big plank of wood laying under there...

My questions are basically what are the best materials to use in my situation, and best place to put ventilation, how many fans i should use, type of lights and best place to put them etc,. I'm going to grow probably 4-6 plants, and planning on working on this project and maintaining my plants during night only since im a late night person and my parents aren't. It sounds easy enough, just a bit of digging and stealthiness but we all know how worth it it will be in the end =D
Thanks for the advice beforehand, cheers
This one time at band camp we built an underground grow just like your doing and we all died!! and the leader of the group ( the one that thought up the idea) IE YOU went to jail!! and i bet you don't get out on a tech.

Oh and user789 they are taking applications at NASA.. FRIGGIN ROCKET SCIENTIST!! Holy moley guacamole .. "Some people you just cant reach" Your parents must be proud..


Well-Known Member
Sparkafire Boy if you didn't hit the nail on the head!!!!!!!!!!!Just think these are the people that will be running the country someday Run for the hills fast


Well-Known Member
If underground, poured walls with a drain around the outside, French drain. Poured slab roof. 3x3x3 of dirt=1 ton


Active Member
lmao, I actually thaught of this same idea only not neer the house i started to dig the hole with 3 people i got down like 6 feet and it was like a 2 foot around ind we were like fuck this. i do not think this is a good idea because its a fucking pain in the ass... just start your plants on your windowsill and tell you parents they are tomatoes... lmao then after a while put your "tomatoes" outside and let them grow.. . thats what i did and my parents joked around and let me grow them.. :D:D


Well-Known Member
dude man...bad idea..get your own place and do it..and if your going under it right and get some 20 by 40 shipping containers and digg those like 20 feet or 30 feet under.... ha man..yea dont even try it..