Building a room


Well-Known Member
Well this is my second post here. Been a long time follower of RIU. Have been a indoor gardener for about 4 years now. I recently purchased my first home (not a grow house). Before this I was growing in a detached garage where I build on to a existing walkin closet that was there. Worked ok hard to control the temp swings out there. Well enough with the past now I have a bedroom to use that's about 12x12 with a walk in closet that's about 3x6. What I'm looking for is how to make the best of the space I have. I have a plant count of 24 and grow in coco if that helps anyone who cares to help a fellow farmer out. I would like to keep the closet as a drying room and the rest of room for veg and flower.
Thanks for taking time to read my post look forward to hearing what you true gardeners have to say.


Well-Known Member
I would have thought to use the closet to keep that special mother plant? But how large/wide do your plants get? Then you can do a basic floor layout and see if it all fits, do you need space for a water tank in there, I guess many things and other items to consider but seems like a really nice size to work with. What is the plan for lights?


Well-Known Member
I thought about using the closet as a mother room and taking the idea I seen on here and cut clones and flower them in a flood table. Just don't know if I will pull enough to supply me and my patient. But as of now I hand water once a day but I don't like the plants to get over 2 feet going into flower. But it usually don't happen they usually get like 3 or 4 feet tall (trying to get on a cycle to prevent them from getting that size).


Well-Known Member
This should help to give a scaled perspective on it, with this layout I am thinking two powerful lights over each section. Like 4-HID lights in total. The closet would defiantly make a nice drying area.



Well-Known Member
Are you saying build two rooms like the picture is showing? 2 lights in flower 2 lights in veg? Or 2 flood tables with 4 lights in flower room and veg with the closet?


Well-Known Member
nope; but dividing into two separate rooms does sound like a good idea.

The diagram above is just a basic scaled view only to gain a perspective as to what the possibilities could be.That diagram just shows the planting area in one open room with space around the plants to tend to all sides. I was kind of thinking two lights for each side of the room with plants on each side. In reality pots on the floor can be easily moved around but the diagram just shows 16 planting zones 8 on each side with the thought of 4 lights?? 400 or 600 HID watt equivalent?? But this is only a rough first draft.

Sounds like you grow from seeds? So this is why I am giving you the extra plant area. If you were doing clones and SOG then you would do more plants maybe using 2 - 4' x 8' tables is an option or drip lines but on some tables would keep the floor cleaner I think.
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Well-Known Member
No I clone I don't start from seed. I could just only run one room and keep the closet for a mom/clone room and maybe give them a few week veg then flower and then start all over after harvest and swap the bulbs out from mh to the hps.