Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

That would be north eastern Wa. Wa is great for climates. we have them all. north east is foot hills south east is a basin pretty much desert. southwest is rain forest and northwest is coastal.

LOL............I feel like Willy Wonka on this thread "No Don't......Stop"!........[video=youtube;HpGJbooFq1c][/video]
LOL............I feel like Willy Wonka on this thread "No Don't......Stop"!........[video=youtube;HpGJbooFq1c][/video]

Problem is the state requires I take it all up front or get left out. I've built three businesses from the ground up including bringing an invention The Wallup! Camping Wall, google it,to market. I like to start small, get it under control then expand, get it under control then expand etc. I'm trying to fit it in the parameters the state offers and last night bantering with you all I think I have the process almost dialed in. I have to run a few things by the MJ division.
If your really a pro, you'll know when your over your head & it's time to hire a pro. There have been people running Million$$ outdoor grows in Cali for 10 years. Try NorthernCali need to hire a pro grower, add that to your business plan.......good luck.


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hey buds! It's legal in washington now and i am applying for 2 level three (up to 30k sq' each) producer licenses. I will also be applying for a processor license and i'll post another thread on that. I am working on my business plan and doing a ton of research and right now i'm working on how many plants i can grow. Keep in mind the 30k is canopy and does not include equipment or other storage. I've been considering many options, 30gal pots too expensive, tires too messy although i love tires for gardening, soil filled trenches waste of soil, black garbage bags with holes maybe, raised beds too expensive. I have come to the thought of digging holes 3' round and 3' deep into the ground. This will not impede the root system as the roots can grow into the natural soil, is cheap, and the holes can be filled with the medium of my choice. Now i am trying to figure how many plants i can grow with this arrangement. Considering a rectangle 100' x 300' i can place these holes in rows 3' apart but this only gives me 666 plants. I'll probably stagger them but is this enough room? I plan on growing almost exclusively this year g-13 strain and i expect a yield of 2lbs per plant. Any help is appreciated as i am building my business plan now to find funding. Thanks!
if you think that the lcb will just let you you might be in for a surpise
also, according to lcb:

  • the number of retailer licenses is limited; if too many apply, a lottery will be held for the eligible applicants.
  • getting a growers producers or retailers license doesn’t guarantee that you can operate your business. Local laws may apply. Lcb may issue a license even if the local authority has a marijuana moratorium in place.
  • i-502 also limits the size of the canopy grown by all marijuana producers to 2 million square feet. If the qualifying applications for producers exceed that limit, each producer license issued will have the square footage reduced proportionately.
Ha! Looking for work???? Yeah, good idea. I already have two professionals going to work for me (brothers) and countless friends in the field but what I need is a specialist in large outdoor grow preferably in my area, and I have ads out already. Both my guys already told me they're strength is indoors so hiring a professional consultant in large outdoor grow ops would certainly look good in my business plan too. I'll do some searching today. Thanks for the advice!
YOU DIDNT GET THE MEMO DID YOU?? I- 502 limits the size of the canopy grown by all marijuana growers & producers to 2 million square feet. If the qualifying applications for growers & producers exceed that limit, each license issued will have their square footage reduced proportionately... So basically if you request 60,000 sq ft and there are to many of us you might get reduced to 20,000 or less
if you think that the lcb will just let you you might be in for a surpise

Yea I expect the 2mil rule will reduce my canopy but in order to get the largest piece of the pie possible I have to go for the largest possible and let them reduce my % the same as everyone else. I can't go for 15K feet then ask for more. I worked for the state almost 15 years I and studied WAC and RCW's as a passion and I'm well versed in I-502. I started a forum on the subject and see you've been reading a lot about it too. Check it out it'd be nice to have you join! Also, I'm betting I know how it will play out.
it only matters how many of us apply...this will decide how big you are allowed to grow.... the more growers the less sq footage per license...there will be only 2 million sq ft available....100,000 people apply or 20,000 apply will make a difference as to the sq footage per license
Can't find your washintonmancave or iwasbornwild??? I did however find your "wall thing" as well as your name, etc. By exposing who you are and where you are, you are opening up yourself to every ripper who prowls the Internet. Security is great but these idiot rippers nowadays don't care about security, they just come in strapped to the hilt and don't give a shit about anything including life. Also realize with 20+ employees it only takes one to get pissed at you and look out. Good luck and be careful.
Ha! Looking for work???? Yeah, good idea. I already have two professionals going to work for me (brothers) and countless friends in the field but what I need is a specialist in large outdoor grow preferably in my area, and I have ads out already. Both my guys already told me they're strength is indoors so hiring a professional consultant in large outdoor grow ops would certainly look good in my business plan too. I'll do some searching today. Thanks for the advice! I'm I spend my time sitting around under a shady tree..........:cool:


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Come to think about it, do you have to be a wash resident to get a permit?.......I could do some real damage with 60,000sg ft!?!:mrgreen:
it only matters how many of us apply...this will decide how big you are allowed to grow.... the more growers the less sq footage per license...there will be only 2 million sq ft available....100,000 people apply or 20,000 apply will make a difference as to the sq footage per license

Yup- but not only how many apply and not only what tier but also what your operating plan says you're going to produce. I readily accept the fact that they may cut each 30,000 down to 5,000. I have adjustments in my plan.
Can't find your washintonmancave or iwasbornwild??? I did however find your "wall thing" as well as your name, etc. By exposing who you are and where you are, you are opening up yourself to every ripper who prowls the Internet. Security is great but these idiot rippers nowadays don't care about security, they just come in strapped to the hilt and don't give a shit about anything including life. Also realize with 20+ employees it only takes one to get pissed at you and look out. Good luck and be careful.

I have to expose my ass to the state's proctology department and feds on this how much more exposed can I get? I have a web developer working on a large project and evidently he's processing some domains. Looks like it's all discombobulated.
If your growing under the medical permits then those ideas will no go as you need to have the grow sealed off and bug free so if you use a dirt floored grow area your open to quality control issues that will not pass inspection. You can get tons of bugs and such issues. Your gonna wanna grow soiless or hydro of some sort. If your going for this size right off top then money should be no real issue if it is you need to start smaller then expand while making sure to not take on more then you can a handle or it's just a waste of time. basic figures here in Illinois basically mean a start up producer on large scale will need at least $500,000 to be in complete compliance and to maintain medical grade grows.

LOL @ Illinois, they left a huge black market intact with the way that law is written.