

in week 7 in flower and woke up after my 1st semi flush to come and find a bunch of tiny looking mites all over my fabric pot I took a bunch of leafs on lower lever middle and up top didn't see a single bug on the plant or even any spots that looked like it would have bugs only burnt tips no sign of a mite.

The look just like spider mites but they are 100% pale white every single one of them like a clear or cloudy tric. My pots have extra salt build up on them which I think they are feeding on I sprayed the pot with some water and they all went into the soil I think l. any idea what they are there is a bunch I can try and add a picture here in a second. I have had no signs of bugs all grow. super clean tent, whip it down with alcohol the floor and walls about once a week to every other. my plants still look super healthy also!
more than likely nothing to worry about or do anything about at this point. they aren't spider mites prolly just nematodes or some other kind of soil insect that isn't harming anything.
i feed thousands of crawling tiny worms and bugs in my dirt, I love the way they break down the organic solids so the plant can use them, and their frass of course.
any kind of food oil drops with a drop of soap and bottle of water sprayed on the soil surface and outside of the bag will keep them out of your sight if they bug you
I had issues, I have restarted 8 grows and had a constant bug issue...... 3 years dealing with this shit.......
I fixed my problem
1/2 onion
1 garlic minus the skin
1 gal water
crush the hell out of it blend it go crazy the more you mix it the better
spray it every where at base of plants and on ALL soil you get those damn bugs from buying soil at supermarkets simple but this will fix your problem.
if problem with hydroponics add it to the water 1 tbsp. per 10 gal water. you normally get it from seed starting in hydroponics. Safe for aquaponics as well (fish) that's what I do now.
if you wanna really kick it up a notch I had all my bugs gone in 24 hours after adding 2 tbsp. of 100 proof liquor to the mix.
now I keep a fresh batch of this in my room just for safety with lid open.
also can add a tub of water, pest will run to it and kill themselves just to get away from the smell.
After doing loads of research all day and stressing all day I sprayed the outside of the pot and the catch pans as well as the bottom lollipoped steams and top soil with roughly a 1-4 ISO water mix with a splash of dish soup at roughly 10am now that it's 9 almost 10pm and the lights are about to go off I grabbed my pocket microscope and looked all over the pots and leaves again I didn't see a single sign of life!!! I'm gonna let it dry out for a day or two and keep an eye on it but looks like it worked for today Once it drys out a little I'm gonna run some clearex through the pot to help get rid of some of the salt build up and hope that helps. And I've narrowed the mites down it's either a mould/mold mite a grain mite or common dust mite. If it's not one of those I have no idea they all look about the same a pale white clear and can be seen with the eye like a grain of salt with the pocket microscope they looked like dust mites but idk why they would be in the environment
Mighty Wash. People will try to deter you and bitch about it supposedly being harmful, but I highly doubt it. I've used it on my crops and it will keep away bugs and mold for sure.
that dish soap will destroy whole crop it's the worst idea ever put on herbal internet. it also killed my plants. I'm not joking that was my first 3 attempts to solve my problems and NEVER helped. like I said onion garlic gone 24 hrs. my dad had a issue outdoors and bam gone in 24 hours so working indoor and out.
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I just use spinosad. But to the OP, those were most likely harmless soil mites.

Or springtails....

Mighty Wash. People will try to deter you and bitch about it supposedly being harmful, but I highly doubt it. I've used it on my crops and it will keep away bugs and mold for sure.

I don't find anything wrong with it. The wizards of cannabis and labeling laws in OR had banned it because it contains an extremely small (like homeopathic) amount of a pyrethrin. It wasn't on the label, so they banned it till it was relabeled... In amounts that small, it acts as a repellent. Good for use in bloom....

I don't understand how they ban the use of some products for use on Cannabis growing.....From organic products like spinosad (yup, banned from cannabis use in some states) to Pyrethrins. Funny thing is, they use it on foods you eat.....Sometimes they need to shut up and do real research.....Sane study and research needs to be done for the cannabis industry.

Another funny thing is that some states are setting up big seed to sale systems that will only rely on commercial operations of large amounts of plant counts. Tell me these assholes aren't using "banned" chems to bring in crops.....You read about it all the time!
Think about it, a 1500 plant grow with like 500 per a rotation. They get hit with PM and the owners say to the workers. "Fuck that! We can't loose a crop! Spray the Eagle 20!" You see exactly that being reported in every legal state and Canada.

Look like this? If so they're hypoaspis miles and they're harmless.
I think it was mold mites honestly they have a really short life and after "treating it" I haven't seen them even this morning no signs of life
Due to it's my 1st grow and I'm using botanicare I think it's to strong and I'm over feeding with lots of salt build up that might have a little white mold on the pot that they are feeding. My set up is a 2x4 grow tent ik small. I have one biggish fan below my canopy running 24/7 and two small tiny fans running just above the canopy as well as a 4in inline fan sucking out all the air 24/7 my air movement is great and everything is super clean. Since it's my 1st grow the mites freaked me out but I think they are harmless mite to my plants themselves anyways