

New Member
I was looking today and I have bugs all over in my cups. I can't Identist what kind they are any help is appreciated, video won't post so if anyone has a messaging app so I can send it to them that would be awesome and again thank you!


Well-Known Member
Transplant her into a new pot with some fresh soil if possible. Mist her down with some neem oil b4 she goes to sleep if you are still in veg mode.


New Member
If you look you can see the bugs. I have no idea what they are, I used black gold natural & organic soil the seeds just germinated and I just put them in cups and saw the bugs this morning



Well-Known Member
Put some neem oil in water and water like normal. Go on Google and look at how many parts per quart or gallon and fix it up to how much you need for a couple waterings. If you want you can also use azamax which has always worked for me and do the mist recipe and just mist the dirt should work well either way


Well-Known Member
They're a particular type of mite. Common in compost bins. Not harmless at all. In sufficient numbers there may be minimal issues attributed to their fecal matter but that is rare; I've never had such an issue. Tells you the soil is organically rich. I've had them for years now and never had a problem. When I first found them, they were in my worm bin so I looked up, "worm bin pests." They are not pests though, so I found. I've even had them in my cutting tray without a problem. In fact, I have them right now if you'd like a verification pic. :D :peace:


New Member
Well thanks everyone for the advice and knowledge I now have 5 sprouted and coming up out of the soil. Can't wait to post updates!