

Active Member
Ok, so...

I am 1.5 weeks into my first grow ever. I am growing indoors in my storm cellar using rockwool cubes and watering 3 times during their 18 hours of light. My seedlings seem to be doing great so far. From day 1 of the first sprout (5 total) I have kept a very close eye on them. The first sign of a problem I noticed a few yellowish spots near the tip of only 1 of my first set of true leaves (see pic below). I kept watch on it to see if it got any worse at all and it does not seem to have. I assumed that I may have splashed a little PH down solution on the leaf or possibly just water and caused a magnification burn considering that the lights are within a few inches of the plant. I am using 4', 40w fluoro tubes. This problem is isolated to 1 leaf on 1 plant only and as I said, hasn't showed any signs of getting worse.

However, within the last 2 days I have notcied a couple of different bugs in the area. I think I have identified one of them as being whiteflies and have placed an order for some yellow whitefly strips and some food safe spray for the plants. I also noticed when I moved one of my rockwool cubes slightly, a couple of thrip looking bugs came running out. Knowing very little on the subject, I first sat down to read what I could and compare some pics. The thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that I've not seen any of these bugs actually on the plants. Only under and around the rockwool cubes that sit in a Rubbermaid tray. I have carefully inspected all 5 seedlings on the underside of their leaves looking for eggs, I find none. I also know this doesn't mean a lot as I don't yet have my magnifying glass to really get personal with the leaves. I'll be getting one today for sure.

Basically, I am looking for a pro to identify for certain these thrip-looking bugs so I can take the proper measures before things get out of control and they start to harm my ladies. Your prompt response will be well appreciated.



Active Member
I guess I don't have the permission to reply yet. Hope I don't end up with a double post, I'm new to the forums thing. To answer your question 420inmyapt, it is a GE A730 I picked up last December for $100. I love it!


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks man, sorry i couldn't help you out, i dont have any experience with Bugs in my Garden


Active Member
No worries 420, not many people know everything. hehe.

Thank you hd150cruisa. I will certainly give it a try. I was looking for more of a confirmation that those actually were thrips and not just some wierd basement bug, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to just treat them as such anyway.