
Whats the number 1 way to prevent bugs?

Keep things clean and don't let other plants anywhere near your grow. Grow in cold months, if possible try not to grow in the summer months. Don't get clones from buddies or stores. Also use a sterilized medium to grow in. Stay away from organics or living soil.
Keep your pets out of your grow room, don’t go from being out in the yard/park and then into your grow room - you or your pets can bring bugs in. Don't buy bagged soil that was sitting outside, and/or wet bagged soil.
a good thing to do is to shower and change clothes if you've been outside, bugs can enter via your clothes.
i grow in organics and have never had bug problems, but that doesnt mean its not possable, bringing in plants that have been outside may have braught the odd bug or two into my grow room in the past.
preventative measures work well. like bug preditors mites, ladybirds etc
but clenliness is the key, dont leave dead leaves on the floor of your grow area, keep it clean