
I really didn't get a good look at it but it looked like a lady bug on one of my leaves

Leave the lady bugs. They are predatory insects that actually eat some of the pests that invade a grow room. They do not harm your plants. In fact, ordering a few hundred lady bugs when you do have an infestation of a pest (eg: spider mites) is a legitimate option.

To combat a pest, we need to know what the pest is before a treatment can be recommended. Take pictures with the grow light off. A close up of the top of an affected leaf, same with the bottom of the same leaf, a photo close up of one of the insects if possible, and a good picture of the entire plant.
Rule number one with pest control is: Identify the pest you are concerned with. It may not be a bad bug, it could be a beneficial bug (eats bad ones). Even if it IS a bad bug, if we don't know what to target our efforts might be for naught.

Yellow sticky traps placed around your room can catch bugs for identification. Lay one on top of soil, hang one up by the light for fliers.
Most insecticides are “ broad spectrum “ killers and can treat / control of a variety of bugs and larvae.
Clean your tent and grow area completely , bleach/water in a simple spray bottle , or alcohol/ water mix. Pull drip pans .
Spray all vents and ports ( whether you use them all or not ). Clean/ wipe fans with disinfectant wipes , clean dust buildup.

Bug Control :
After thorough cleaning , spray insecticide over clean surfaces , treat areas under tent and drip pans , spray ports .
Leave it to dry .... it leaves residual particles behind to act as preventative. I often use Lysol spray in tent and fans .

Exterior : ....
I use Ortho Home defense to spray exterior perimeter of lower tent base at exterior . I even clean / spray flex ducting every once in a while too , with disinfectant spray mix I made.

Not that hard to clean up a tent and area.