Bugs what kind are they?


Active Member
I have these little flying bugs around my plants they look like a punky, or a gnat, sandflies, or something they don't bother us like a punky or a gnat, they like to fly around the leaves and the soil. So does anyone know what I might have, and how to get rid of them. There doesn't appear to be any damage to the plant that I can tell. I have a ladybug or two in my garden, is that okay? My grow room is clean with tile on the floors with white walls and cielings. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing spider mites...those are the most common things I here of...A real sumbitch too...if you look close to your plants are there little white dots on the top??? If so thats were they sucked out the nutrients...if you look at the underside of the leaf is there little white specks??If so those are the new larva I believe....Spraying down the leaves on both sides and then whiping them down(gently)helps remove the ones underneath the leaves but you prolly need some kind of insect killer to actually get rid of them


Well-Known Member
you got fungus knats. they live in the soil. they hurt your roots. there are products (knatrol) that will kill them. i've had one or two in my room, just swatted them and they were gone.


Well-Known Member
i think i heard somewhere, that if you put a lair of tinfoil covering the soil for a couple of days it will get rid of the algea they feed on. i could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
Having the lady bugs in your garden are definately a plus. They will eat tons of bugs, but aphids are their favorite. I would even add more if you could. Yea if you see one of those bugs, make sure you kill them.


New Member
Yes, you have fungus gnats. They lay their eggs in the algae that grows on top of the soil and the larvae feed on the roots. First, cover the soil with a reflective material like white plastic. Then go to Home Depot and buy some No-Pest-Strips and hang a couple from the top of your cabinet. If you keep algae under control you'll control the gnats too.


PS: Spider Mites don't fly. *lol*


Well-Known Member
predator nematodes work really well if you can find them. they come as a dollup on a sponge. you mix it with water then water your plants with it. they eat the larvae of knats,thrips and anything else that goes into the soil.

think of the movie "Tremors".


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have the same litte knats around here, root knats is what Soma called them. I was watching his video the other day. they seem to be gone from my grow room. I ordered some stuff for them and still hasn't come in. where do you find the nematodes?


Well-Known Member
i get them at my hydro store. try a nursery. maybe online? my hydro store orders them. so they all come from a larger company. nematode farm?
You must use a chlorine filter or RO water when using nematodes. The chlorine will kill them and defeats the purpose. My g-store failed to provide me with this info. Happy Harvest!!