Bugs!! Indoors?!!! Help (+rep)

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
So in my growbox, there are these little flies that come from inside the dirt. Sometimes they will just sworm around near the plants and annoy me when i check my ladys!!
Please help i tried to search but that never works.


Well-Known Member
IMO the easiest and most effective way to kill and prevent fungus gnats from breeding in your soil is to simply sprinkle a little bit of Diatomacous Earth on top of your soil.

It causes the little bastards to "bleed out" upon contact .

What is Diatomaceous Earth?
Diatomaceous earth is a remarkable, all-natural product made from tiny fossilized water plants. Diatomaceous Earth is a
naturally occurring siliceous sedimentary mineral compound from microscopic skeletal remains of unicellular algae-like plants called diatoms. These plants have been part of the earth's ecology since prehistoric times. It is believed that 30 million years ago the diatoms built up into deep, chalky deposits of diatomite. The diatoms are mined and ground up to render a powder that looks and feels like talcum powder to us. It is a mineral based pesticide. DE is approximately 3% magnesium, 33% silicon, 19% calcium, 5% sodium, 2% iron and many other trace minerals such as titanium, boron, manganese, copper and zirconium. Diatomaceous Earth is a natural (not calcined or flux calcined) compound. Diatomaceous Earth is a natural grade diatomite. However, the continual breathing of any dust should he absolutely avoided.

How does it work?
To insects DE is a lethal dust with microscopic razor sharp edges. These sharp edges cut through the insect's protective covering drying it out and killing them when they are either dusted with DE or if it applied as a wettable powder spray. If they ingest the DE it will shred their insides.






Well-Known Member
I had the same shit I used a pesticide for fruit flies and a venus fly trap plant.
I still have a few flies but the pesticide is working and the venus fly trap has killed around 20 of the little bastards


Well-Known Member
They are not flies they are fungus gnats that are top soil feeders. Also try to dry out the soil without drying out the plant change your watering schedule so you have larger intervals of dry soil,fogs are also good and I just read that predatory mites eat the the larva or eggs


Active Member
Sand works good (1/2 inch on the top of your soil), Hot Shots Pest Strips will kill almost every bug that enters your grow box. You could also hang some sticky fly paper, no chemicals or products to add to your soil. Good luck.

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
I have sand at my house, should i use that and put it on top of my soil..
Will that limit Oxygen to roots and should i just watter right on top of the sand??
any help would be cool Thanks guyss


Well-Known Member
I use Neem Oil also - two bi-weekly applications seems to have solved my problem, as well as a spritzing for my younger plants that are showing no sign of the gnats - and hopefully won't. I saturated the topsoil with it, (mixed with warm water), seems to work well.:peace:


Active Member
Yea haha I had a nat problem for awhile and couldnt kick it...

the I started implementing a weekly foliar feed including half dose of neems oil and didnt even know it had an effect on the gnats, naturally overspray deeply saturated the topsoil and 2 weeks later I realized it was the result.bongsmilie

That shits amazing, the plants love it, it makes them all shinny and it fends off a good bit of pests.