Bugs in soil


Active Member
I need someone to help me out... My plants are a little more than 2 weeks in and when I look up real real close to the soil I can see very very small white parasite, that moves similar to a slug... I was wondering if anyone knew how to get rid of these and what they are without causing any harm to the plants. Please help out if you can


Rebel From The North
could be threps but you can buy a product called naminiods that with eat
the bugs in your soil, i had the samething happen to me but they moved out of the soil to my leave thus killing my ladies over time that was before i found
that cure give it a try they sell at the grow store at least most of them


Well-Known Member
I had gnats, that live in the soil...I went to home depot and gont some organicide its 15 dollars a bottle but it worked in a week. I waterd my to babies today and not a sign...it kills every soft body insect you can think of... I dont have any grow stores around here so i found that at homo depot...