Bugs? Help first time grower!


Active Member
Heya guys,

This is my first grow dwc, and my widows have been attacked! what are the odds of an indoor grow in a closet being hit by these problems.

they are about 3 weeks in now

I think there's smth burrowing into my leaves? how do i get them out ASAP!

Please leave your idea of what you think the problem is and solutions!

this is the widow

these bumps just started appearing recently!

am i over paranoid?

if you look closely at the middle bottom right
a chunk of the leaf has been bitten off?

this is probably some burn from the overzealous light

I hear people talking about how purple stems are bad for the plant... Also for this above pic the strain is celtic berry not ww

diagnostics please plant doctors!


Well-Known Member
i think you are a little paranoid.. just take a deep breath and smoke a fatty and relax... i dont see any signs of pests.. and not every leaf will always stay perfect and green the entire grow.. its like anything else that nature produces.. it cant be 100% perfect 100% of the time... the only time you should worry is if growth has slowed or stopped or there is "something" affecting a section of your plant and it spreading...


Well-Known Member
and purple stems are always bad.. some strains just naturally turn purple... its sort of a strain thing.. but again.. if "it", whatever "it" is. isnt affecting your plant negatively then there is no need to worry about it...


Well-Known Member
the damage from leafminers is VERY distinct.. you'll see "mines" that run through the interior or your leaves... not little bumps... the "mines" will appear almost white on the surface and look like a trail going through the leaf when the bugs have eaten away the inside of the leaf..


Well-Known Member
the damage from leafminers is VERY distinct.. you'll see "mines" that run through the interior or your leaves... not little bumps... the "mines" will appear almost white on the surface and look like a trail going through the leaf when the bugs have eaten away the inside of the leaf..
If you want to be sure, spray Ortho EcoSense on em. I had a scare very recently, unsure about the product, but excellent results. Didn't harm my plants at all. I sprayed em heavy too. I had aphid and spidermites. No more bugs after use. Some people spray on they're plants as preventive precaution.


Well-Known Member
i spray with 100% pure neem oil as a preventitive... i had to move my grow room and during the move got mites on my last grow.. used the neem and had them gone in a couple weeks.. but its hard as fuck to keep them out this time of year.. i have 4 dogs so i am constantly covered in mite eggs... so i also got a NO PEST strip.. you just hang them in your grow room... they last 4 months... and they work well.. no more pests for sure... just dont breath that shit in for more than a couple hours... if you plan on doing heavy work take it down... the neem oil is mixed with water and a little bit of non scented biodegradeable liquid dish soap and used as a spray.. the soap is used as an imulsifier... spray top and bottom of leaves well... the neem acts a few ways.. first the pests dont like how it tastes.. and if you ever smell it you'll know why... it chokes out eggs that get covered by it.. but they have to be completely covered so spray well... and once its injested it affects the pests hormones and keeps immature pests from being able to mature or reproduce.. and stops adult pests from being able to produce anymore... plus the neem oil can be root fed to further add to its affect.. and its good for your plant.. it contains trace elements and is good for soil beneficials... it can be used up to week 6 of flowering.. wouldnt go much past that... as a spray at least.. it can be root fed up to flushing... if you do spray with it late in flowering make sure you have a TON of air circulation so you dont get bud rot.. just remember that if you use neem oil it isnt a spot treatement.. expect a couple week battle.. and make sure its 100% pure cold pressed neem oil... a couple other ways to deter pests from staying in your garden is constant air movement.. it makes it hard for them to hold onto a plant that is always swaying and moving.. they would rather be on plants that are still.. and keeping temps down around 65 to 70 will help deter pests... most pests like warmer environments.. and also a more humid environment will help deter pests... although i would only mess with the humidity if i got an outbreak of mites or some other pest... yeah thats about it...
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