bug problem?


I used some cheap gardening soil from walmart for my indoor grow I have five plants and even though I flushed for correct pH and put my own blend of fox farms trio before replant, I noticed today little over three weeks later about an hour after watering the top layer of soil has the tiniest bug circus going on all types of crawling things jumpers and stuff but the plants are fine. When I say tiny I mean squint to see cant even see on a picture I took.


Active Member
Always a good idea to sterilise the soil first by putting it in the oven for an hour on a low heat


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some diatomaceous earth to cover the top of your soil, or get some play sand for the top of the soil. Both will get rid of your problem. The DE will dehydrate them and the sand will cut them to shreds. Have fun and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Lady bugs wont do much for bugs in the dirt. They are great for anything in the foliage, but you still need about 1000 of them if you have a serious problem. DE and sand will cure the problem without a house full of lady bugs.


Well-Known Member
make sure you get kids plays sand or you will kill them with the salt the sand holds,lady birds will seek out any thing they can eat if there is nothing to eat in the leaf growth then they will start on the feed in soil,if the insects are on top and a size the bugs can take on there our friend lady birds never underestimate the little red black spotted friends.

Leave the soil to dry out and add sticky strip to the top of it this may help catch any thing faster.