Bug Infestation - 99.99% cannot figure this out

Hey ktmracer51,

Thanks for stopping by buddy.

I was wondering how did you get rid of your springtails?

Never had them on my MJ, but I grew commercially for years in horticulture. They are not difficult to kill per say, but can get into nooks and small spaces and breed in huge numbers that can make it hard to eradicate at times. Though they are not harmful to plants and they feed off organic matter. They can just be annoying at times depending on their locations.
I had them in trays of nutrient I learned some wetting agent prevents them from using the surface tension of the water and they fall through it instantly and drown, they're better left if you can live with them.
Common pathogens don't bother them.

"Springtails are not susceptible to Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Hirsutella spp., and Verticillium lecanii, or to the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, and its endotoxins.
F. candida consumed and inactivated the insect pathogens without suffering mortality, reproductive disturbance or any other harmful effects.