Bug in my Bud


Well-Known Member
So I'm using my almost worthless hand held microscope to get make sure my bud is as mature has it appears to the naked eye. I'm set for 60x the lowest setting and in great focus bigger than life some bug is crawling though my bud. It looked like a tick big enough to suck you dry in seconds. I just about pissed myself. Of course I couldn't see any thing once he moved out of scope area. There was nothing once he moved but it was creepy.
I trimmed and hung the plant and I'm sure I'll be smoking his great grandchildren in a week or two. Makes you think about water curing, huh. You know we smoke all kinds of bugs.


buy a small batch of ladybugs. they will destroy all other bugs in your room withought harming the plants. ive seen it my self.


Well-Known Member
If i hadnt spotted them with the microscope I never would have know they where there. So unless I see some without a microscope I worry about it.

Matt Rize

So I'm using my almost worthless hand held microscope to get make sure my bud is as mature has it appears to the naked eye. I'm set for 60x the lowest setting and in great focus bigger than life some bug is crawling though my bud. It looked like a tick big enough to suck you dry in seconds. I just about pissed myself. Of course I couldn't see any thing once he moved out of scope area. There was nothing once he moved but it was creepy.
I trimmed and hung the plant and I'm sure I'll be smoking his great grandchildren in a week or two. Makes you think about water curing, huh. You know we smoke all kinds of bugs.
id rather smoke a few bugs than smoke water cured herb. my flowers, and i take lots of high def pics, do not have bugs. i do have a sealed room tho.


Well-Known Member
HD pic would not have captured this. Like I say I was at 60x magnification, if I hadn't used the microscope at just the right place at just the right time I never would have seen it. I'm not worried about it in the least, and nothing I could do at this point anyway since this is harvest.