Buffered Coco


Hi all,

I accidentally buffered my Coco 1ml per litre of calmag instead of 2ml per litre, should I buffer again with 1ml PL, 2ml PL or not bother? Will the cation exchange still have taken place?


Well-Known Member
How many ppm was the solution. Forget 1 or 2ml of calmag. If you needful ppm, you'll know exactly what your putting in everytime. Shoot for at least 1500 ppm calmag, sometimes I go up to 2000.


700-800ppm iirc ,soaked it nearly a week ago so don't remember specifically, I've since been busy but the seedlings need transplanting soon, should I buffer with another 7-800 calmag solution? Or will feeding them 1/4-1/2 strength calmag for the first few weeks suffice? Or should I water and measure the run off ppm then buffer the remainder? still relatively new to this lol

Thanks for the response macsnax :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Most coco these days comes pre buffered. I use half strength nutrients to prepare coco. The nutrients I use have calcium and magnesium in them. Calmag is not a requirement when growing in coco if you use nutrients that have sufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium. In fact I grow in coco and never use calmag and I never get deficiencies.


Thanks for the info folks, I'll check out the link tinteastwood cheers. Yes it was this brand of brick I don't think it comes prebuffered,

The seedlings are now 9 days old, should the Coco be good to go if I just feed GHE Flora trio and/or calmag once rooted or give them a small feed before transplanting?