hmmm, i'm really impressed.. these 3070's are a noticable shift in light quality
but.. with such low wattage, no additional heat, my usual struggling starts, these (Jack 47) girls have been epically slowwww!! Mainlined to 8 nice tops (almost) but now 12 weeks old!)
(104w, I'm thinking of bumping at least two of the four cobs- up from 700mA.. i'll end up with other problems going so slowly)
LoL- Here's the AK mum, turned back to re-veg the same week the above seeds were planted.
This is just such a lovely plant, delicate looking with it's small re-veg growth, maybe a little hungry it looks. And a very nice smoke. She'll be the last run under my SGS before it too retires.
I took two clones for my following cabinet run but atm, for a few days more, they are cramped by my mate's crazy 2 week old!! sativas for our outdoor grow
a year old mk ultra clone and a few chillies
Hopefully i'll be back to four plants soon, 12 gets me edgy!