Hi Growers, thought i'd give a running commentary of this project- powering a cabinet grow from 12vdc. I'm not a sparky, lets be clear.. and struggle understanding power, things I can't 'see'. That said, from the last few days there now are things I do know, thanks to the inquiring minds of others. Thanks others!
After some (experience with using 12v and) envelope math it was clear that a grow similar to some of the larger diy cobbers on here would take a much bigger setup than the few panels and batteries lying around (use them for camping 5/6 weeks a year, other home use). Cree lighting is expensive enough without outlaying more again. So.. the idea will be just to 'see' what can be done with a small space and usual domestic/ camping size solar setup.
Here's my growspace- Standard metal cabinet, 2.5'x 1.2' (76x35cm)

I'm a dirt scratcher and it's intuitive to me that such a small cabinet will still benefit from the largest pot, more stable soil temperatures, more forgiving of a dry spell.. more room for my worms! I have an old cooler/ esky (18'x12"x14"(h)) that will fit nicely as a pot with an airspace all around...
I have in mind to loose most of the shelving and beef up the frame inside, Grow out in the lower section and put a veg section in the top (with power needs and ventilation up high also).
Ideally -i'm thinking- i'd like 3 cobs in the bottom section: CXA3070/3k and another in the veg section.
If power needs go through the roof i'll just use it in summer or part year. Our vegie patch could see some early seedlings... can always run a 12v mains adaptor or charger (though haven't looked at the inefficiencies)
epicfail found this range of drivers (thanks epic):

They make .7/.5/.35 I'll try a couple.. (interestingly the .5/.35 run up to 86v..)
My math tells me that at 1.05 amp with my current panel and batteries (around 300w panel /280amps of batteries) I'd only sustain power for one at that rate in mid-winter/ worst case (?) but it's not so straight forward to know what constraints this may bring that can't be worked around as I should come close to powering 3 in summer.
If someone can easily do this math i'd appreciate some guidance there.. conversion factor 12v-37v?, what happens to the driver when power drains, will it shut off? Is that dangerous if it happens regularly? Not good for the driver?
Obviously wize to keep any excess/peripheral power use as low as possible.
Iv'e used blumats for some time. For the fan circuit I was also looking at these DIN 12v timers

and thermal switches, maybe 2/3 small fans used as exhaust (from cabinet or room) on thermal switches, different temperatures:

Anyhow, stay tuned (it will take some time to work things through but it Will happen). Meanwhile if anyone can help educate me (or others here) further or has any suggestions- Chime In
After some (experience with using 12v and) envelope math it was clear that a grow similar to some of the larger diy cobbers on here would take a much bigger setup than the few panels and batteries lying around (use them for camping 5/6 weeks a year, other home use). Cree lighting is expensive enough without outlaying more again. So.. the idea will be just to 'see' what can be done with a small space and usual domestic/ camping size solar setup.
Here's my growspace- Standard metal cabinet, 2.5'x 1.2' (76x35cm)

I'm a dirt scratcher and it's intuitive to me that such a small cabinet will still benefit from the largest pot, more stable soil temperatures, more forgiving of a dry spell.. more room for my worms! I have an old cooler/ esky (18'x12"x14"(h)) that will fit nicely as a pot with an airspace all around...
I have in mind to loose most of the shelving and beef up the frame inside, Grow out in the lower section and put a veg section in the top (with power needs and ventilation up high also).
Ideally -i'm thinking- i'd like 3 cobs in the bottom section: CXA3070/3k and another in the veg section.
If power needs go through the roof i'll just use it in summer or part year. Our vegie patch could see some early seedlings... can always run a 12v mains adaptor or charger (though haven't looked at the inefficiencies)
epicfail found this range of drivers (thanks epic):

They make .7/.5/.35 I'll try a couple.. (interestingly the .5/.35 run up to 86v..)
My math tells me that at 1.05 amp with my current panel and batteries (around 300w panel /280amps of batteries) I'd only sustain power for one at that rate in mid-winter/ worst case (?) but it's not so straight forward to know what constraints this may bring that can't be worked around as I should come close to powering 3 in summer.
If someone can easily do this math i'd appreciate some guidance there.. conversion factor 12v-37v?, what happens to the driver when power drains, will it shut off? Is that dangerous if it happens regularly? Not good for the driver?
Obviously wize to keep any excess/peripheral power use as low as possible.
Iv'e used blumats for some time. For the fan circuit I was also looking at these DIN 12v timers

and thermal switches, maybe 2/3 small fans used as exhaust (from cabinet or room) on thermal switches, different temperatures:

Anyhow, stay tuned (it will take some time to work things through but it Will happen). Meanwhile if anyone can help educate me (or others here) further or has any suggestions- Chime In


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