Budz- Off The Grid


Well-Known Member
Hi Growers, thought i'd give a running commentary of this project- powering a cabinet grow from 12vdc. I'm not a sparky, lets be clear.. and struggle understanding power, things I can't 'see'. That said, from the last few days there now are things I do know, thanks to the inquiring minds of others. Thanks others!

After some (experience with using 12v and) envelope math it was clear that a grow similar to some of the larger diy cobbers on here would take a much bigger setup than the few panels and batteries lying around (use them for camping 5/6 weeks a year, other home use). Cree lighting is expensive enough without outlaying more again. So.. the idea will be just to 'see' what can be done with a small space and usual domestic/ camping size solar setup.

Here's my growspace- Standard metal cabinet, 2.5'x 1.2' (76x35cm)

Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 10.30.45 PM.png

I'm a dirt scratcher and it's intuitive to me that such a small cabinet will still benefit from the largest pot, more stable soil temperatures, more forgiving of a dry spell.. more room for my worms! I have an old cooler/ esky (18'x12"x14"(h)) that will fit nicely as a pot with an airspace all around...

I have in mind to loose most of the shelving and beef up the frame inside, Grow out in the lower section and put a veg section in the top (with power needs and ventilation up high also).

Ideally -i'm thinking- i'd like 3 cobs in the bottom section: CXA3070/3k and another in the veg section.
If power needs go through the roof i'll just use it in summer or part year. Our vegie patch could see some early seedlings... can always run a 12v mains adaptor or charger (though haven't looked at the inefficiencies)

epicfail found this range of drivers (thanks epic):

Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 11.00.06 PM.png

They make .7/.5/.35 I'll try a couple.. (interestingly the .5/.35 run up to 86v..)

My math tells me that at 1.05 amp with my current panel and batteries (around 300w panel /280amps of batteries) I'd only sustain power for one at that rate in mid-winter/ worst case (?) but it's not so straight forward to know what constraints this may bring that can't be worked around as I should come close to powering 3 in summer.

If someone can easily do this math i'd appreciate some guidance there.. conversion factor 12v-37v?, what happens to the driver when power drains, will it shut off? Is that dangerous if it happens regularly? Not good for the driver?

Obviously wize to keep any excess/peripheral power use as low as possible.
Iv'e used blumats for some time. For the fan circuit I was also looking at these DIN 12v timers
Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 11.31.08 PM.png
and thermal switches, maybe 2/3 small fans used as exhaust (from cabinet or room) on thermal switches, different temperatures:

Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 11.36.52 PM.png

Anyhow, stay tuned (it will take some time to work things through but it Will happen). Meanwhile if anyone can help educate me (or others here) further or has any suggestions- Chime In 8-)

Budz :peace:
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Ha, yeah, cheers. It's only the cost of drivers and small bits for me. I was going to just buy the mains drivers... so i wont be fazed. Never grown in a little cabinet before though..

I'm hoping it will keep a mother alive over winter, grow a clone or two for a couple of summer rounds.. that sorta thing.
I'd be happy with 4/6 zips over summer from it? 8-) i can get rid of my other light collection..
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Yeah, I wanted a smaller setup anyhow so i'm just planning around being able to use a small area, low power... better.
I'll set it up on the mains first then add a few drivers..

I did mix some soil and popped some drain hols and drain core in the pot ; )

Screen Shot 2014-07-18 at 10.23.27 PM.png
id say 5-6 zips is a bit of a heavy goal for now, i think just getting it operational + 1 zip would be a good effort :P

its a sick idea though id love to have a go if i had the extra resources
DBA I'm gonna use the three shelves but only one as a 'shelf' - between bud/veg areas.
I expect your right bluey, though, under 100odd watts there'll be at least a couple of zips per run barring disasters. My challenge is such a small space iv'e been there staring at it for some hours over the weekend : }

I don't want to log jam the power thread but i have a power question.

Where I grow it would would be really handy to keep mains power out of the room, out of the closet.
The fans have their own 12V power supplies.
Not to mention that when I can get 12v set up i wont use the mains a lot.
Pretty much set on these drivers

Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 3.27.21 AM.png

and thinking 3 at 700-1050mA for bud and maybe 1 in veg at 350/500mA

.. which either way looks like 17/18A at least

heres one: (?)


Iv'e heard mention of inefficiencies of stepping down (then up)- how bad is this? can I just average the efficiencies of the driver/power supply to guestimate : )

Is it worth even considering something like that ^ if there's a better way i'm all ears/eyes. Can anyone suggest any suitable enclosed supply?
My heatsinks 8x4.6"... that I was going to keep separate.. just happen to slide neatly into that gal channel (leaning against the door).
Maybe i'll get corrosion? then again... it's not a boat..
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DBA I'm gonna use the three shelves but only one as a 'shelf' - between bud/veg areas.
I expect your right bluey, though, under 100odd watts there'll be at least a couple of zips per run barring disasters. My challenge is such a small space iv'e been there staring at it for some hours over the weekend : }

I don't want to log jam the power thread but i have a power question.

Where I grow it would would be really handy to keep mains power out of the room, out of the closet.
The fans have their own 12V power supplies.
Not to mention that when I can get 12v set up i wont use the mains a lot.
Pretty much set on these drivers

View attachment 3208338

and thinking 3 at 700-1050mA for bud and maybe 1 in veg at 350/500mA

.. which either way looks like 17/18A at least

heres one: (?)


Iv'e heard mention of inefficiencies of stepping down (then up)- how bad is this? can I just average the efficiencies of the driver/power supply to guestimate : )

Is it worth even considering something like that ^ if there's a better way i'm all ears/eyes. Can anyone suggest any suitable enclosed supply?
I believe you should keep the power outside the cabinet because they give off a fair amount of heat.
Ha, no I was using a 160w light (area 51), just telling blueylol (above) that fact. Cut around 100/120grams both times with just that light (it now has floodlights either side) :wink:

I need to keep all the drivers inside the cabinet, would get away with a power supply outside at the mains point but not a board of drivers.
i dont know why this didnt show up under my notifications but im actually really impressed with those numbers lol. nice to see ur project moving!

peace n pot
Nothing record breaking but I was pretty impressed too! :lol:

Been chippin away at the cab, can't decide where the shelf should go so many pipes were expended in keeping it simple (ie. decide later..)




I'm a bit stuck on power, wire it for 12v (use 12v drivers, timers etc) and run mains power through a 12v power source at the wall .. or.. mains to the cabinet and swap drivers, timers etc. I suspect it will be very inefficient mains-12v- 12v-30+V.. when I can get 12v up and running to here (which could be some time.. )
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Hiya, no worries, I'm so busy but have another go here and there.. nearly done. Two CXA 3070 AB ordered for flower section and 1050mA drivers in place.

I'm a bit stumped on these timers. I decided to give these cheap digital ones a go. Great info provided on programming but they left out any wiring diagram. And they don't know much about the timers. It's just got two 'power' spades and two 'switch' spades, no polarity marked.. Any ideas anyone?


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