BUDWORM, Harvest Now Or Risk Losing It All, Please Help


Active Member
I'm working on getting pics but in the meantime, this is where I'm at. I have about 1 month to go before I chop them down...but I just learned that my plants have those budworms and dont know if I should chop them down and be happy with what I have...or try to keep an eye on them and risk losing some/maybe all of it??

I had this problem last year and it got me really good...I lost alot of big, heavy bud. I wrote the famous FDD from this forum and he mentioned to use BT...he gives great advice.

Anyhow...this year I made sure to spray the bt often and also this time I kept an eye out for the budworm. As the plants grew it was easy to spot them and I would just kill them but the problem now is that the buds are very tight and sticky, which makes it very hard to look inside for them.

Unless anyone else knows of a better way to search for them, I had to use my fingers and spread the cluster of buds apart, on each branch to look for them. I was able to find a few, but its real easy to miss them as well as I feel like I'm destorying the thc by touching all over the bud.

So...I dont know what to do. Do I risk it and let them grow and possible lose out or....cut them now?

Also, do you feel spreading the cluster of buds apart, and touching them all over, does some damage to the bud and thc?

Thanks in advance,

PS: Sorry for writing so much....I was just trying to give you guys the full picture of what I have to deal with ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure manhandling the buds is not a good thing and this will affect their future growth.


Active Member
This is what I was not sure about. If having to touch the buds all over,inside n out to find these worms...maybe I should just cut them down...I just don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
i did it to one of my plant, It was my best one with six top colas that were long as shit. I cut all the infected areas trust me you will find alot in side when you take off hte bad shit. Ne ways they were drying in a box for a few days and i lost temptation and it is insane how good it was so you gotta look and see how much it has spread i had to cut those colas down cuz it was starting to get bad with all this humidity so best judgement is wats it all bout


Active Member
I know no one can answer this but me, and this is why its so hard to decide. I would assume that spreading the buds apart to look for these worms would damage the thc...but does anyone know for sure if this is true?

I just dont know what to do...any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
If your hands/fingers are getting sticky, then it's safe to assume that thc (probably mostly trichome heads) is being broken off onto your flesh, which I guess would come under "damage-ing the thc"


Active Member
holy sh%t...this is exactly whats happening to me right now...i thinnk i'm going to harvest early and check in b/w the buds anyway....theres no choice or they will ruin my whole plant!


Well-Known Member
If you use some kind of magnifying glass ( I use a headset hands free kinda jewlers sortof headband thingy) you can spot the eggs and remove them before it's a prob.