

Hi all i posted s thread abt my buds not growing but they have nw had still griwth but the kolas are all like seperate buds and not clumping into one can anyone tell me why?? Thanks peace


Well-Known Member
Give it time, they always look like that at first. You have to be patient, they'll stack up until they're kind of intertwined and it's just one bud. If I were you I'd do a little research so I know what to expect, it always surprises me what little preparation people take before trying to grow MJ.


Hi there i have reserached loads but its like 9 weeks flowering nw going into ten thouught it wud of formed by nw


Well-Known Member
If it's that far into flowering then you have some other problems going on. Maybe you have a light leak or something. Need more info on your grow to really help. Lights, strain etc. would help.


Its pineapple chunk im using a 400w hps bulb there cant be ne light leaks its darker than dark wen the lights are out ive got it so its on durong day and off during night


Well-Known Member
Hmmm how many plants? Also makes sure the light is No farther than 1 foot from the tops of plant. If its too far away you are losing major lumens.