Buds (under bright LED) seem to have stuff flying off as I trim


Active Member
I've read a bunch of threads on this and everyone is saying PM. I pulled out the scope and I see no mycelium, just trichs. Pictures are from all over the buds. Never saw powder during the grow. I don't see any Rot anywhere. But I get it, hard to believe that those are trichs. Can you guys take a look? They're like 60% Rh in jars. Dried at 55RH 68F for 5 days. Not ideal, but def not too moist.


Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Are you positive its not trichs falling off, or is it more like cloudy dust when you break a nug open?


Active Member
It may be trichs falling off. The bud is pretty crispy. I thought I may have overdried... You can't see it unless you have the bud right next to a really bright LED. It smells good too. But I'll be honest, the way theyfloat off the bud almost like a stream, I don't trust it.

Hence the scope and post. I'd hate to be too paranoid and throw a bunch of shit away. But also I'm not fucking around with mold. I see nothing but trichs under the microscope though. Maybe I've just been in trim jail for too long and I'm losing my shit.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
if thats the dust in the images, your good as it looks like tric's to me. but others have programs on there computers that canmagnify images and give you clearer info


Well-Known Member
Its probably just like sweeping out the shed. Its all good, no dust at all... Until you get a ray of sunshine that highlights just how bloody dusty it is.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I'm not seeing mold in those pics. The trichs do look kinda dried out and wilty so you are probably right that it is dry trichs floating away. When I find mold it is pretty obvious under a loupe.