buds to big


Active Member
ive been using gravity and im telln ya the buds have gtn 4 times bigger and just dont stop it adds 1 month grow to my autoflowers and i budded a sativa bag seeds for literally 4 months of budding and it was just half white hair and the buds r getting so thick they started to get a small amnt of mold so i cut them down and for sativa i mean the tops were as big as indica at least 8 inch diameter dry do i just add more fans or wait for the humidity to down in my area:wall:


Well-Known Member
separate the nuggs so air circulates....bag seeds budd for a really long time its nothing youve done....what is gravity?


Active Member
its a flower hardner i mean the buds are solid as a rock and u cant rele seperate them its total sativa just like pop corn nugs growing straight up and then getting huge they were falling go the ground i had to tye them up it was only the huge top colas that got like i fine spider web mold on them the bud rocks and i threw the mold shit out but just dont want it to happen again the bud was so thick it was moldin from the inside out and some spots were nasty brown and ive hadd a shitload of harvest in and out


Well-Known Member
I would use a trellis for support. For humidity either a dehumidifier or add boxes of cat litter. Dusting Diatomaceous Earth on the plant will help prevent spidermites.