Buds so dense?


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the point of this website? What is the advantage of me asking why they are so dense? Are you fucking stupid? Lol if you are going to be little shits please don't comment. I'm asking a simple question, why don't you be a little more mature and answer, ;)
I just got my first plant and it's about 3 or 4 weeks old. I'm growing it under 2 CFL's one is 100watt and the other is 65 watt. I water the plant every other day and feed it every other day. Anyways here's the issue, the bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling up one even has a weird burn mark look to it. But the top leaves are doing fine. My soil is fine I promise you. Also my PH level is at 7. I'm lost. Please help. Also don't judge, this is my first grow and I just need help.
See where you say this grow was your first (Bold and red, for ease of location)? How did you have other grows prior to your first? That's what was confusing. If you misrepresented it being your first grow, don't get all pissy when people point it out. Folks do this shit all the time to try and go rep fishing. Could be you're a cop trying to get some credibility so you can find new busts. I'm asking a simple question too: Why lie?


Okay well here let me justify myself, my uncle needed help with his plants, so when they were dry he gave me some, I went home and this is what I got. But honestly it was a simple question I just wanted to know why? And know if he wants to fight I won't do it over the Internet. KPMarine I really wasn't looking for your bullshit, so please don't comment on this thread for being an asshole. Kthanks


Well-Known Member
Okay well here let me justify myself, my uncle needed help with his plants, so when they were dry he gave me some, I went home and this is what I got. But honestly it was a simple question I just wanted to know why? And know if he wants to fight I won't do it over the Internet. KPMarine I really wasn't looking for your bullshit, so please don't comment on this thread for being an asshole. Kthanks
It's not bullshit, it's basic english. Thanks you for clarifying at long last, though. You still lied, and that deserves calling out. If calling clear bullshit makes me an asshole, then I'm okay with that.


Well-Known Member
Okay well here let me justify myself, my uncle needed help with his plants, so when they were dry he gave me some, I went home and this is what I got. But honestly it was a simple question I just wanted to know why? And know if he wants to fight I won't do it over the Internet. KPMarine I really wasn't looking for your bullshit, so please don't comment on this thread for being an asshole. Kthanks
So are you admitting that you were bull-shitting us by first claiming it was yours, now claiming it's
your uncles.

Only you were in the wrong so you shouldn't be insulting anyone. You must be embarrassed

Yea it's 7.3 g's but it's just surprising I guess I looked at my plant and the buds were so tiny and dense haha. The guy that I bought the plant from said it was a cross breed between white rhino and trainwreck. So if such is true I will be blown off my ass