With the 8 bag set up the 45mil bag 2nd from the bottom is the money bag. I threw away the contents of the first3 bags. I kept the contents of the 120 mil bag for cooking, and then comes the awesome stuff. The 90 ml bag will collect the heads of indicas if gently handled. I was in full production mode and used a hose to blast the contents into the bag below, 73ml. the bag that is the most fun and rewarding is the 45 ml bag. I remember my very first batch and there wasn't very much in the 73 ml bag and everybody online said that was the best. I was really disappointed in the amount, about 6 grams, but when I saw what was in the 45 ml bag I nearly shit my pants. Over an ounce of blonde with the most amazing bouquet of flowery delight. I'm killing myself remembering all this when I haven't even smoked a joint in 3 years.
1) Dry the bud/trimmings 2) tons of Ice. I recommend getting a great big cooler, a monster one, and go to the store and buy 20lbs bags of ice and fill the cooler, so you'll always have a supply on hand. If it was me, I'd invest in a bubble machine/washing machine and do it up right. for a few hundred bucks you'll reap the rewards. I have friends that do it the old way with drills and blenders and they waste all their product without retreiving a fraction of whats available. That's just me. Ice and more ice.... keep the ice coming. have fun!