Well-Known Member
Growing styles are really a personal choice & every grower that I've known has their own style/quirks (I sing to my plantsyikes. Well. You waited ten weeks. Good job on patience. Did you learn anything from this grow?
I agree with above. Stop the dead stuff off before you hang
and did I read harvest when pistils are 50% brown lmao so 50% white

As far as scoping trichs I dont bother anymore (too hard to see clearly for me).
I had noticed that when 1/2 the trichs were amber, the hairs were also around half brown. and half is what I like.
They will get darker as it dries.
I find it to be a smoother & more mellow smoke, vs a sronger, in my mind a harsher smoke.
I also go by calender & the way the leaves look.
So you guy's can get your loupes out and struggle to see what the trics look like, I gave up that shit.
Now, I just look at the bud and can tell if she's finished.
It works for me

And as far as singing goes, I found that most plants, especially Sativas' like Soft Cell (I grow mostsly Sativa dominant).
Indicas this (they like Reggae