Buds hairs going brown early into flowering...will the buds grow any more? Piks


Well-Known Member
This plant seems to be maturing really fast even tho there appears to be alot more bud that needs to develop... will the buds grow any more or should i be expecting a low yield from this plant? i have a 400w hps.. heres a few pictures a couple wid lights on and off... let me kno if u dont understand my question fully. thanks

Also the plants has been suffering from heat burn as you can see from the leaves curling since the temps on occasion may raise to 90 degrees.. The plant i am refferring to is on the right of the pic with two plants.

P.s a few of her fan leaves have been turning yellow and pull off really easily, any idea for the cause? Im guessing its from the hheat stress.



Well-Known Member
This plant seems to be maturing really fast even tho there appears to be alot more bud that needs to develop... will the buds grow any more or should i be expecting a low yield from this plant? i have a 400w hps.. heres a few pictures a couple wid lights on and off... let me kno if u dont understand my question fully. thanks

Also the plants has been suffering from heat burn as you can see from the leaves curling since the temps on occasion may raise to 90 degrees.. The plant i am refferring to is on the right of the pic with two plants.

P.s a few of her fan leaves have been turning yellow and pull off really easily, any idea for the cause? Im guessing its from the hheat stress.
Im having the same issue with the brown hairs and my temps get really high but i run co2 during the day. the temps usually peak at 95. I still have about 3-4 weeks of flower too. I dont have any of the other probs though. hope you figure it out


Well-Known Member
Yer maybe, there is still loads of trichs and alot of them look cloudy also.
That plant has been flowering for 2 months already.. seems to be rather long to me.. yet the buds dont seem to be full out.. i guess what im asking is the alot more bud prodution to be formed?


Well-Known Member
Yer maybe, there is still loads of trichs and alot of them look cloudy also.
That plant has been flowering for 2 months already.. seems to be rather long to me.. yet the buds dont seem to be full out.. i guess what im asking is the alot more bud prodution to be formed?
Did you cut off fan leaves before? Doesnt look like you have many left, which will stunt or stop growth if you literally pruned it to death. I def would fix your heat problem, the curling seems really extreme.


Well-Known Member
First a couple of my 2pence(or cents), a fan leave stores energy, and as the plant gets older, some fan leaves stop producing and die off. i.e. the stored chlorophyll runs out or the leaf stops photosynthesis. At 2 months of flowering I am not surprised the leafs are doing that. Or the fact the pistils are turning brown. Every plant is different and depending on the genetics you have, some grow different from others.

Heat stress causes the plant to stop growing, which by the sound of it has probably happened. The medium looks rather wet, have you noticed the plant drinking less? I would perhaps let it get through the water if has stopped drinking as much. Sometimes as growers we have the tendency to think that more water will help, when actually the roots are being compacted into a sodden medium.

Perhaps it isn't heat stress if your other plant is doing fine, as I said, could be watering, or just a slight difference in the genetics.

When were you expecting to harvest it based on the information you got with the plant or seed?



Total Head

Well-Known Member
how did you lose the fan leaves? did they yellow first and fall off? or did they get crunchy and then fall off? or did you cut them off? from my experience pistils that turn brown before they should usually do so because of heat or underwatering issues, and those pistils don't look alarmingly brown. at 8 weeks of flowering it's not so horrible if your fan leaves have done some healthy yellowing and fallen off, but if they actually died off you may have done something wrong. however looking at the leaves that are left, aside from what looks like some wilting, they seem fairly healthy. but that looks like a sativa-heavy strain so you could be looking at another 2 weeks or more. what strain is it/they?


Can anyone help me. I'm a new grower and I got a clone plant from a friend. The plants I think a month and a half of flowering and 80% of the hairs have turned brown. I'm using two incandescent lightbulbs 150 watt ones a daylight bulb and the other is a heat bulb. I know incandescents are bad lights but it was easiest for me to purchase can please someone let me know what's going on will my buds get any bigger they are small now will they fill out


Active Member
When the stigmas brown and dry up before the trichomes are ripe it is because the growing area is too hot or the lights too close if indoors. The brown stigmas will not turn creamy again but the plant will continue to initiate flowers until ripe if it remains un-pollinated and the dark cycle continues with 12 hrs of uninterrupted darkness.


When the stigmas brown and dry up before the trichomes are ripe it is because the growing area is too hot or the lights too close if indoors. The brown stigmas will not turn creamy again but the plant will continue to initiate flowers until ripe if it remains un-pollinated and the dark cycle continues with 12 hrs of uninterrupted darkness.
So basically. It will still grow? I'm just scared my buds will stay the same size. It's a small plant but there's buds all over it so if I move the lights farther away things should be ok?. It smells amazing and looks amazing it's just tiny budz


Active Member
The buds will start to swell in the last two weeks of the flowering cycle. Look frequently for signs of ripeness on the trichomes as the plant matures and finishes flowering.


Ok I switched my incandescent heat light out and put in a 75 watt agro lite plant light says it's for the acceleration of indoor plant growth. So I have that and a 150 watt daylight incandescent. Its in a fixture no more than a foot away from the plant and it's been a month and a few into budding the hairs are brown(most of them) but the buds are small. I know in the last two weeks they fill out but with those lights will they make a difference ?
daamn that plant on the left looks really nice, what methods did you use with that thing and what strain?


When the stigmas brown and dry up before the trichomes are ripe it is because the growing area is too hot or the lights too close if indoors. The brown stigmas will not turn creamy again but the plant will continue to initiate flowers until ripe if it remains un-pollinated and the dark cycle continues with 12 hrs of uninterrupted darkness.
Join Date
Oct 2010

Ok I switched my incandescent heat light out and put in a 75 watt agro lite plant light says it's for the acceleration of indoor plant growth. So I have that and a 150 watt daylight incandescent. Its in a fixture no more than a foot away from the plant and it's been a month and a few into budding the hairs are brown(most of them) but the buds are small. I know in the last two weeks they fill out but with those lights will they make a difference ?


Active Member
The agro light will help but it would be better to switch the other incandescent light to a compact florescent. What you have will work if it does not create too much heat.