Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

ok well i got the light fixture at wal mart in the electric section and i got the two way at lowes (these are hard to find i had to ask somebody)
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It's not necessary, but it keeps you from wasting light and redirects what would otherwise be wasted to the plants, which leads to increased yield, so if you can, go for it.

And I went to Wal-Mart today, I looked in the electronics and the lighting sections very thoroughly, and still nothing. I hate this Wal-Mart, they never have exactly what I'm looking for, like the only bulbs with enough wattage (42) Don't have the Kelvin rating on them. All the ones that are insufficient wattage have the Kelvin rating listed on them (6500K). It's ridiculous, man. I think Lowe's would have a good selection of CFLs wouldn't they?
good for you on your book gardenknowm!!!!even though i dont think ill flower with cfl's but i do use them to veg and clones,but never the less im glad for you and your book and anything about this subject im always intrested in reading,ill be looking for it and hopefully come across it(i dont order over the net)but i know someone who does!!again props to you gk!!!......peace,ras

so if i want to get that book i should call them over the phone ? serious inquiry
No, man, you should go ahead and order over the net, OR, if you feel that's too compromising to your security, I hear they have it at lots of Barnes and Nobles stores, I haven't been to one in years, but it's worth a shot, pay in cash, no paper trail.
Hey anyone know where you can get the lighting fixtures and reflective hoods for 42 watt CFL as I want to have the same setup as the book, but I cant find any of those things, not sure what type of store would have them and cant find it online, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey anyone know where you can get the lighting fixtures and reflective hoods for 42 watt CFL as I want to have the same setup as the book, but I cant find any of those things, not sure what type of store would have them and cant find it online, any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could do the soda can reflector.

There is a photo walkthrough at the link below if you wish to do it.

How-To: Cheap CFL Soda Can Reflectors - Grasscity.com Forums
anyone kno a good reflector pleaseeeee

Hey kush, I know he talks about it in the front of the book, Garden Knowm didn't actually use the reflectors. If you check page iv you will see he intended to remove them so the plants would show better in the pictures. If he ever had then on they were removed only once and then left off. I know we had a discussion about this in one of the threads about the book, may not have been this one. Reflectors might help with any bulbs shining around the outside of the plants, I would leave them off of a couple and put those kinda down in the middle, similar to the way DirtBagBrian runs his flowering area, with that 1000watt bare bulb right down in the middle of his plants. I believe you would be better served with the pop can method FabricSoftner gave the link too. VV:blsmoke:
Thanks for the help Victor, i tried to find DIrtbagbrian's setup u wer tlkin about but cnt find his grow.. if u cfud post it up it wud deffinently be helpful. But for now im gonna try this soda can idea, seems like a good method.
Thanks for the help Victor, i tried to find DIrtbagbrian's setup u wer tlkin about but cnt find his grow.. if u cfud post it up it wud deffinently be helpful. But for now im gonna try this soda can idea, seems like a good method.
Here is the link. He has a much bigger operation then you are talking about. The rsults he gets with the vertical hanging light is what you want to look at. VV:blsmoke:
wow great grow. more power to that dude lol. im deff gonna try this technique. thanks for postiin the link up vic
Hopefully this post is taken as constructive criticism.

I just got finished looking through this book and I hate to say it but it's not that good. It's really just a photo journal with about 8 pages of actual information on HOW to grow.

Worst of all it's missing vital newbie information like sourcing of materials and the instructions on building the light fixture are incomplete. For instance it tells you to cut the extension cord and attach wires to light sockets but never actually tells you to connect the extension cord to those wires much less how. I can only guess what other information is missing.

There's a lot of filler like quotes and info copied from wikipedia (credit is given) but there's just not a lot of good info for a beginner like myself.
So how do you wire the light fixtures? I know how to do it, but which half of the wire from the extension cord goes to which screw on the light fixture?
this is the best i can do i don't have but a 5.1 megapixel but here are some shots, and i think i have been flowering for about 3 weeks


In your second picture, it kind of looks like a male plant but I can't tell because the pictures are blurry. You will have to look at the nodes to see if a round green ball is forming (male pre-flower) or pistil (female).
Hopefully this post is taken as constructive criticism.

I just got finished looking through this book and I hate to say it but it's not that good. It's really just a photo journal with about 8 pages of actual information on HOW to grow.

Worst of all it's missing vital newbie information like sourcing of materials and the instructions on building the light fixture are incomplete. For instance it tells you to cut the extension cord and attach wires to light sockets but never actually tells you to connect the extension cord to those wires much less how. I can only guess what other information is missing.

There's a lot of filler like quotes and info copied from wikipedia (credit is given) but there's just not a lot of good info for a beginner like myself.

so you thought this book that sells for $16.95 should have been an encyclopedia. Its a grow book, explaining how to do this. And of course we all live in the same state and can visit the same stores, maybe he should have just gotten everything together for you and delivered it with the book. ANd this 'filler' quote information is all something you already knew, or would have found on your own.
Gee, there are a lot of folks in this forum that took this poorly written, spotty information and duplicated it. They may have even looked at a book on electric wiring instead of expecting one book to have every bit of information they could ever use as a newbie.
Constructive critism usually includes ad idea of what you would do to improve, and writting a 6000 page book is not an option here. VV